Yet, such accelerations might be unavoidable: To fly at hypersonic speeds, planes might rely on specializations that render them unwieldy pigs at lower velocities; thus, they might require rocket boosters -- and the G-forces they entail -- to reach flight altitude and speed [sources: NASA; ...
And then there's the discarded equipment, abandoned satellites, pieces of hardware and fragments from explosions or collisions that share the skies with the useful equipment. This orbital debris has accumulated over the years and poses a serious threat to satellites currently circling Earth and to ...
"The cell towers don't expect there to be traffic in the air, so their radiation patterns are focused on the ground." It's probably only when planes descend to less than 10,000 feet (3 kilometers), as they get closer to landing, that passengers could flip on their cell phones, ...
as well as the control that allows the helicopter to move laterally, make turns and change altitude. To handle all of these tasks, the rotor must first be incredibly strong. It must also be able to adjust the angle of the rotor blades with each ...
With two hours delay we arrived at Doha airport and made our way to the next boarding gate as fast as we could, just in time to see the gate abandoned. The flight to Brussels had left without us. A staff member of Qatar Airways was already waiting for us, smiling, because he had al...
The Chinese government abandoned its system of quotas and licensing restrictions on tea exports in 2006. This has seen a rise in private companies in the market alongside state-owned companies. Rice The annual production of rice accounts for almost half of the country’s total grain output. ...
With the aim of supporting architects to become active agents of sustainable design, this week we present a selection of facades that incorporate different recycled materials. Beyond the typical uses of plastic and glass, in this article, you will find innovative materials such as mattress springs,...
As far as Onen knew, the poaching squad he abandoned was still making its way north from Garamba through CAR to Sudan. To me, it seems reasonable to think that the radioman’s defection might have slowed the progress of the 25 elephants’ tusks headed to Kony. ...
However, these planes were usually easy to take down and were virtually guaranteed to crash at some point. Americans used Tomahawk fighting planes, while the British used the Curtiss P-40 Kittyhawk. These planes reached speeds of almost 400 miles per hour and were able to fl...
Night trains have been making a resurgence across Europe after decades of decline, raising the prospect of more sustainable ways of criss-crossing the continent as travelers look to find alternatives to flying.