In his fifties, he decided he needed an easier act than cracking up planes and developed the “Casket of Death.” Similar to how Simon would perform it years later, Frakes would lay in a casket lined with dynamite, seal himself inside, and someone would light the fuse. The casket would ...
Fox further stated that only basic & advanced trainer planes known as BTs & ATs would be allowed to fly at the Torrance Field,and that 'nosiy Army & Navy trainers would have no place on the private field' in an obvious attempt to pacify worried homeowners.”...
which depicted Park Ridge as having 2 grass runways in an X-shape, with 3 light single-engine planes parked near a building on the east side.The last depiction which has been located of River Road Airport was on the February 1940 Chicago Sectional Chart....
The earliest photo which has been located of Griffith Park Airport was an April 1925 photo looking west at 4 men in front of the Griffith Park hangars, with several JN4 Jenny biplanes visible inside the right hangar.The photo's caption said “Proposed location of suggested mooring-mast”, ...