Given the vast range of types of civil cases, it is not surprising that the legal procedure for initiating a lawsuit in Maryland differs depending on the case. It's a good idea for any Maryland resident to have an overview of the filing procedures for civil matters. What Is a Civil Case?
If you own a trademark and someone else has infringed upon your mark, you would usually address the issue with a civil lawsuit. If your trademark infringement case involves the trade of counterfeit products, criminal penalties may also apply....
Learn how to file a DBA in Utah with this guide. Read about the pros, filing process, costs, and tips to register your DBA quickly.
Civil lawsuit: If the amount exceeds the small claims threshold, the next step is to file a lawsuit in a civil court. This process is more formal and complex and typically requires legal representation. The court has the authority to issue a judgement against the debtor if the claim is succ...
You can file a civil lawsuit, seek restitution, or press criminal charges. Consulting an attorney will help determine the best course of action. 2. Can I remove my business partner from the company if they stole money? Yes, if your partnership agreement allows it. Otherwise, you may need ...
People who have recently been convicted of a crime or lost a major civil lawsuit and may not be able to afford their homes anymore. Members of the military who are on the verge of being deployed and may want to sell their home before they leave. Attending foreclosure auctions and putting ...
Civil lawsuit:If the amount exceeds the small claims threshold, the next step is to file a lawsuit in a civil court. This process is more formal and complex and typically requires legal representation. The court has the authority to issue a judgement against the debtor if the claim is succes...
Regardless of what conclusion the employee reaches, the law permits individuals to file complaints of sexual harassment, with either the government, or, as part of a lawsuit, or both. In some states, before a victim can file a lawsuit for sexual harassment in civil court, the person must ...
Negligence is the basis for any personal injury lawsuit. When negligence plays a role in product design, manufacturing or marketing (a failure to warn appropriately), the area of law that applies is called “defective products,”“product liability” or “strict products liability.” 3 types of...
A lawsuit may end in a verdict for the plaintiff, a verdict for the defendant or a settlement. In fact, the vast majority of lawsuits brought in the United States end before trial in a pretrial settlement. When settlements are confidential, you won't be able to find out the details. In...