If you own a trademark and someone else has infringed upon your mark, you would usually address the issue with a civil lawsuit. If your trademark infringement case involves the trade of counterfeit products, criminal penalties may also apply....
The way to respond to a civil summons depends on why it was issued and what it says, but you'll normally have to appear at...
You can file a civil lawsuit, seek restitution, or press criminal charges. Consulting an attorney will help determine the best course of action. 2. Can I remove my business partner from the company if they stole money? Yes, if your partnership agreement allows it. Otherwise, you may need ...
Given the vast range of types of civil cases, it is not surprising that the legal procedure for initiating a lawsuit in Maryland differs depending on the case. It's a good idea for any Maryland resident to have an overview of the filing procedures for civil matters. What Is a Civil Case?
Torts provide grounds for the lawsuit. Specific torts include trespassing, assault, battery, negligence, product liability, and intentional infliction of emotional distress. There are also three general categories that torts fall into: intentional torts (e.g., intentionally hitting someone), negligent ...
Do I need an attorney in order to file a slip and fall lawsuit? –Article by our personal injury attorneys. Legal References: California Civil Jury Instructions (CACI) 1000. Premises Liability—Essential Factual Elements; CACI 1003. Unsafe Conditions; see, for example, Ortega v. Kmart Corp.,...
Individuals must provide evidence to bring a civil lawsuit against the company with their local district attorney or the Attorney General. If a business violates the rule, it can be ordered by a federal judge to fix the problem. The company can also face fines of up to $2,500 per day ...
If you’re looking to sue someone in Thailand, you can file a civil lawsuit and bring the matter to court. As a foreigner, the process is similar to what you might be familiar with in other countries, but there are some key differences, so careful preparation is key to imp...
CPAP and BiPAP devices recalled, class action lawsuit filed Similac baby formula lawsuits Enfamil baby formula lawsuits Paraquat herbicide Parkinson’s disease lawsuits Omegle website lawsuit by child victim Spot the fake! What to do if e-commerce products cause injury Power and peril: The unseen...
People who have recently been convicted of a crime or lost a major civil lawsuit and may not be able to afford their homes anymore. Members of the military who are on the verge of being deployed and may want to sell their home before they leave. Attending foreclosure auctions and putting ...