You can't use grouping to factor out a GCF in a way that would produce a common factor. In order to explain how this works, you need to know that when solving an equation by factoring, you need to set the factored out thing equal to 0 and find out what X equals so that it equal...
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The greatest common factor or the GCF is the highest common factor that we can get from the two terms or expressions. We can find the greatest common factor by factoring out each term.Answer and Explanation: We are given the expressions 45y12 and 30y10. We want to determine the...
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To convert a fraction that's not in simplest terms to an equivalent form that is, we divide the numerator and denominator by their greatest common factor. The greatest common factor (GCF) of the numerator and denominator is the largest number that divides into both to give a whole number ...
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