Factor a Greatest Common Factor (GCF) from each expression. Checking Your Answers Click “Show Answer” underneath the problem to see the answer. Or click the “Show Answers” button at the bottom of the page to see all the answers at once. If you need assistance with a particular pro...
Factoring by greatest common factor (GCF) The first and simplest method that we are going to talk about is factoring out thegreatest common factor(GCF) of the terms in the polynomial. In general, this should be the first thing that you should try because it often simplifies a complex polyno...
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GCF LCM Solve an equation, inequality or a system. Example: 2x-1=y,2y+3=x Tens of Thousands of students are using our algebra software tutor to conquer their algebra homework assignments. Here are some of their comments Your program so far has been great. I purchased this software ...