In thisblogpost, I'll walk you through our logo design process from start to finish. I'll explain the critical steps and best practices we follow to develop distinctive, meaningful, andmemorable logos. Whether you're looking to create a logo for your company or simply interested in how the...
We’ll explain monogram logos next.2. Monogram logo/lettermark logoWhat is a monogram logo?: A monogram logo contains one to four letters, most commonly a company’s initials or first letter. If your company’s name isn’t short, you’ll want to explore a monogram (or lettermark) logo...
Logos are really important. They can be daunting to design but are a must for any business and are the cornerstone of any good business brand or even a personal brand. You want your logo to explain who you are and what you do, why you do it and how you do it. You’ll include it...
Speak of the objectives your logo has to answer for, then honestly say why some ideas were accepted or discarded. Present hand-drawn mock-ups about how the logo ideas fit the target products. Then, move on to your pre-selection of 2-4 potential logos, their high-quality format, and the...
Typically all logos fall into one of five broad categories: wordmarks, lettermarks, brandmarks, combination marks and emblems, and understanding these distinct types can help to inform your own logo designs. In this article, we'll explain each logo type, the benefits of the style and when ...
From classical rhetoric to today’s advertisements, you’ll find examples of “ethos,”“pathos” and “logos” everywhere. Learn these techniques of persuasion and how to use them effectively.
Well… kind of. As we explain in detailhere, you can get “common law” trademark protection for free. However, there are definitely some risks and downsides to relying on this level of protection. Does trademarking my logo and name give me rights to the corresponding domain name?
Contact the infringer: Reach out to whoever is using your work and explain the situation. Politely ask them to stop, as this alone can sometimes resolve the issue. Seek professional assistance: If the person doesn’t respond or refuses to resolve the issue, contact an intellectual property or...
The logo in essence, is the brand name, but not all logos need to include a name. Let me explain by saying: Apple. We are all familiar with the monochrome, minimal apple with the right corner bitten off. The name is synonymous with the symbol, the logo is an apple and the company ...
How much does logo design cost? There is a variety of logo design price points and packages you can choose. We'll break them all down for you here and explain what result you can expect at what cost.