How to setup a local instance of MongoDB database, run it and connect it to a NodeJS backend as well as MongoDB Compass.
To use MongoDB Compass with the MongoDB instance running on your remote server, you must first connect to it like you would if you were accessing the database through the shell. Assuming you completed the prerequisite tutorial onHow To Configure Remote Access for MongoDB on Ubuntu 20.04, you...
MongoDB Compass:MongoDB Compass is a very powerful GUI for the analysis of your database in the visual environment. Compass is free to use, and a source is available. And run at all, like Mac OS, Linux, and Windows. MongoDB atlas:The MongoDB atlas is the best way to store your Mon...
Method 1: Create a Database in MongoDB Using Compass MongoDB Compass is a GUI for simplifying database management. To create a database using Compass, do the following: 1. Launch the MongoDB Compassprogram. If usingLinux, run the following command in the terminal: mongodb-compass The comma...
We have an Explain Plan Tab with MongoDB Compass, which reflects the execution plan for a query. Refer below the image for better understanding. Simply, fill in the query and click on explain. It will then fetch every detail related to that query like Documents Returned, Execution Time, Doc...
sudo nano /etc/mongodb.conf In that file, you should see the line: bind_ip = You can either change that line to: bind_ip = or bind_IP =, SERVER Where SERVER is the IP address of the machine hosting Compass. Use the first configuration option to a...
Click on the recycle bin icon at the top right to delete it. Tip MongoDB Compass offers a simple search function (query bar) for queries in specific collections. We show you how to create more complex queries in our article oncreating MongoDB queries. ...
Compass Performance Tab Connections db.serverStatus() dbStats Disk IOPS Disk Latency Disk Space Free Metrics Tab Mongostat Mongotop Namespace Insights Normalized Process CPU Normalized System CPU Oplog GB/hour Opcounters Operation Execution Time
How To Use MongoDB Compass How To Use Transactions in MongoDB How To Design a Document Schema in MongoDB How To Configure a MongoDB Replica Set on Ubuntu 20.04 How To Configure Keyfile Authentication for MongoDB Replica Sets on Ubuntu 20.04 How To Use Sharding in MongoDB How To Perform ...
While the PostgreSQL implementation uses pool.query to execute a SQL SELECT statement to find a user row in the table, MongoDB's implementation uses the usersCollection.findOne to find a user document in the collection. In MongoDB, the findOne method uses a JSON object to specify the query ...