在SAP系统中,创建动态变式(Dynamic Variant)并将其用于后台作业(Background Job)中,可以通过以下步骤实现: 1. 创建动态变式 在SAP中,动态变式通常是通过ABAP程序动态生成的。以下是一个简单的ABAP程序示例,用于生成一个动态变式: abap REPORT z_create_dynamic_variant. DATA: lt_variant_lines TYPE TABLE OF rsva...
1. Create variant called BACKGROUND for program(ZWBTEST) to be debugged. 2. Execute ZDEBUGBG (pgm code below) in background for immediate processing. 3. Execute transaction SM50. 4. Select process that runs ZDEBUGBG. 5. Goto 'Program/Session' 'Program' 'Debugging'. A se80 debug sessi...
It will take you to a SAP program in debug mode. Step through this program which is about 10 lines, after this your program will be executed in the debug mode. Steps 1. Create variant called BACKGROUND for program to be debugged. 2. Execute ZDEBUGBG (pgm code below) in back...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) Hi all, I want to send the content of the job log through mail for the failed jobs. Can anybody tell me how to get the content of the joblog in an internal table? I am able to check the status...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Dear Experts, I have created a Z program which schedules a standard program(say SAPREPORT) in background via Job_open, submit program, Job_close. I am reading the table tbtco with jobname and status 'R' to identify if the standard job scheduled in bac...
Solved: Hi , I am using a bapi and running it in background job . If the return table contain error messeage, at that time i have to some coding. But the problem is I am
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi friend, Use T-code SM35. Enter Today's date in 'From' and 'To' field. Click 'In background job' tab. U can see background running process for today. Or. Use T-code SM37. Enter 'User name'. Tick Only 'Sched.' tab. Enter Today's dat...
Solved: Read many posted messages still not clear how to download file from a background job on presentation server. The report is to be executed in background and it
character string of length 200 as a parameter which is either sent to the console window or written to the application log depending on whether the class has been started interactively via pressing F9 or whether it has been scheduled as a background job so that the methodexecute( )will be ...
Workflow completed – background job GRFN_BP_SCHEDULER is completed Sub Workflow handler started – WS75900005 READY – A task of the sub workflow that requires a dialog user to perform an activityIf you press shift + F8 on this screen, you can see workflow logs that present the historical...