sm36-->点击“job selection”-->运行结果双击选择job-->回到第一个界面,点击“步骤”按钮,转到步骤清单总览,里面就可以看到程序名称了 已取消,完成的job是不能修改的 其它状态的都可以改,在sm37里,选择相应的job,菜单里有个更改项 sm37就是sm36里job selection的链接...
找到,Ty.列为BGD的(Background),然后再找到你刚运行的那个后台Job的行,选中;然后在菜单点击:Process---Cancel with core. 即可。 第二步:SM37查看Background Job,应该为“取消”状态。 第三步:SM35,选中Session Name,点击小绿旗release即可。 How ...
SAP_创建后台作业_BackgroundJob信贷重组后台作业手册 新建一个 UPDATE CUSTOMER CREDIT VALUE运行时间为7:00 JOB 1 在SE38下运行:RVKRED77 然后在以下菜单路径: 给变式命名, 保存,OK。 2 执行SM36,进入 作业名:给后台Job命名; 作业类:A-高优先级 目标主机:即当前PRD 填写完回车,进入作业步骤的建立 如上图示...
找到运行的程序,如果程序太多,可以使用过滤掉条如User ID等过滤出需要debug的Process,选中需要debug的Process,然后点击菜单Administration -> Program -> Debugging即进入debug界面。该方法和第二种方法类似,需要把握debug的时机。4, Debug 运行时间比较短的background job程序 SM36创建job,job第一步是是程序BTCLOOP...
通常来说,你可以从后台作业日志(job log)来分析后台作业运行失败的原因,并针对不同的原因使用不同的解决办法。实际上,后台作业的日志可能有很多条,但是,能够引起后台作业失败的是"Message Type" 为 "A" 或者 "E"的那条日志。也可以通过se38 -><program> -> attributes -> display -> double click"package"...
Active - The job is currently running. Active jobs can no longer be modified or deleted. 所有的background job都是由background processor执行的,如果你在SM50里面看到当前没有free的BGP了,那么你的job只能在queue里排队等待。 RZ11里面能看到系统最大background process number: ...
program rff110s will create back ground job for auto payment run in which it will update reguh table. As it is not updating reguh immediatly i used wait up 'X' second after submit rff110s and return statement. Based on data selected from reguh table i am proceeding to the next step ...
Job Name ABAP Program Required Variant How Often? SAP_REORG_JOBS Deletes old background jobs. RSBTCDEL You must create a variant. Daily SAP_REORG_SPOOL Deletes old spool requests. RSPO0041 You must create a variant. Daily SAP_REORG_BATCHINPUT Deletes old batch input sessions. ...
So type in the transaction code 'JDBG' and place your cursor on the job after It has finished. It will take you to a SAP program in debug mode. Step through this program which is about 10 lines, after this your program will be executed in the debug mode. Steps 1. Create variant...
It is nice to find frequent questions in the forums, about typical batch jobs in any particular section of SAP PP - like 'guide me with the background job details, to process COGI errors through scheduled jobs, daily', etc., Searching around, I could find few useful links, which could ...