Deer clearly avoid plants with strong fragrances, so one thing you can do to keep away deer is to mix herbs into your garden, placing them in your flower beds and among other favorites. Some people like to use herbs as a border in their gardens. Certainly that will work, but you will...
When in doubt, hire a pro © Edging your flowerbeds and trees yourself can take more time than hiring a landscaper, but it also can cut your costs -- and the time it takes to edge -- in half or more [source:]. If you want to ...
This is a post I’ve been meaning to share for so long, and since some of them came up in the Bless’er House Budget Decorating Community recently (whichyou can sign up to join here), I thought now was a great time to spill ’em all. Friend to friend. 1. Not Testing Paint Color...
The easiest way to deal with a vole problem is to prevent voles from becoming an issue in the first place. To protect flower beds and individual trees and shrubs from these garden pests, use wire fencing made of ¼-inch thick hardware cloth. Place the cloth around the base of trees ...
Tips of the grass turn whitish or brown a few days after mowing. Strange vibrations while mowing and feeling like the mower works slower than usual. Check your mower blade. If you see small bends, nicks, and dents on its cutting edge, you need to sharpen it before going out again on ...
2. Pick a location Select the garden size Are you converting your entire yard into a vegetable garden? Maybe you just want to do half the backyard or are imagining islands of flowerbeds decorating your outdoor living space. If you’re new to gardening, it’s a good idea to start small...
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Potting soil is specifically designed for areas such as flower beds, while the potting mix is designed for things such as planters, hanging baskets, and window planter boxes. Step 3 – Fill Your Window Planter Box with Potting Mix Fill your window box planter to 1”-2” from the top edge...
Growing your hydrangea as part of acontainer garden for a small space? The optimal planting time is the same as those destined for flower beds. "If growing hydrangeas in pots, you have to be vigilant with the watering because the soil will dry out quite quickly," horticulturist Annette Hird...
He got up and sat on the edge of the bedstead with his back to the window. “It’s better not to sleep at all,” he decided. There was a cold damp draught from the window, however; without getting up he drew the blanket over him and wrapped himself in it. He was not thinking ...