“Mulching is really nature’s idea.” So, when your trees drop their leaves, coarsely shred them with your lawn mower. Then, add the shredded leaves to your flower beds to help insulate
This is especially true of smaller plants where groups are necessary to have impact. Short plants can be used in long narrow plantings to create borders on the edge of a bed. There is an exception to the plant 3 or more plants rule. In general, if a plant is ...
As well as making flower beds look untidy, weeds compete with plants for water and nutrients, and in some cases can even smother plants, blocking out sunlight. They also tend to spread quickly and can completely take over a flower bed if not prevented, so it’s important to control weeds...
Mulch helps to moderate soil temperature and retain soil moisture which is good for the health of your plants. Adding a layer of mulch to your flower beds also improves theappearanceof your beds and suppresses weed growth. Additionally organic mulches provide nutrients to your plants as they brea...
Daily Flower Bed Maintenance When possible, spend at least a few minutes each day just looking at your garden and enjoying it up close rather than from across the yard. This is not time that requires you to change into work clothes, though. Flower beds exist to create visual beauty in you...
Creating a neat edge between your lawn and flower beds is one of the quickest ways to improve your garden's appearance. You can maintain your lawn edge by regularly cutting it, or you can build a barrier to prevent the grass from invading your flower bed
Can I turn my grass into a flower bed? You can turn any grass area into a flower bed by removing the grass in the space you want to plant. Once the lawn is gone, till the area 8 – 12” deep, completely breaking up the soil. Edge the area or add a border to keep surrounding ...
To protect flower beds and individual trees and shrubs from these garden pests, use wire fencing made of ¼-inch thick hardware cloth. Place the cloth around the base of trees and shrubs and bury it 4 to 6 inches in the ground, making sure it reaches 18 to 24 inches high. Use the...
Rabbits are cute, furry, fun, and interesting to watch. The fun ends when they begin damaging your flowers or eating your vegetable garden. Rabbits enjoy nibbling on flower buds, blooms, and the fruits and vegetables of your garden. There are cost effect
Each will provide an attractive surface that adds a decorative and useful finish to flower beds, around the base of trees and along the edges of paths. Make sure you water the ground thoroughly before you add your layer of mulch. Remember you need to trap the moisture in the soil so ...