So that's what they look like and where you find them, but how do you eat dragon fruit and what do they taste like? Choosing Dragon Fruit When you're purchasing dragon fruits, look for ripe fruit. The ideal dragon fruits will be bright with evenly colored skin still firm to the touc...
As with other fruits, keep these out at room temperature for several days as long as they're uncut. Once cut, eat your dragon fruit immediately or store it in the fridge for a day or so until it begins to brown. If you'd like to slow the ripening of uncut dragon fruit, store it...
A dragon fruit medium size. Preparation Cut a dragon fruit in half. With the help of a spoon, empty the pulp so that it remains whole. Cut the flesh into small pieces. Clean the cavities that form the skin. Because of its thickness, it can be used as a “bowl” to serve the same...
Dragon fruit benefits immunity, skin health and the heart. Nutrition facts, how to eat and more are covered. Find out what you need to know.
Make sure to keep a good grip on one half of the fruit while you cut it. Step 2: Remove the skin (Scoop or peel) At this point, you can eat the flesh with a spoon by scooping out bite-size pieces. You can also peel away the pink skin to slice the dragon fruit. Scoop Method ...
Yellow dragon fruit grows on the climbing cactus called the Hylocereus. When it is on the cactus it will have thorns that are removed prior to harvesting. There are three different types of dragon fruits Hylocereus megalanthus: This is yellow dragon fruit. This dragon fruit has yellow skin on...
Place the dragon fruit on a cutting board. Use a sharp knife to cut the fruit in half lengthwise. You can stop right here if you choose and eat the pulp straight out of the skin with a spoon. Alternatively, you can remove the fruit from the skin. To do this, you have two options...
Dietitians weigh in on the benefits of dragon fruit, how to add it to your diet, and what it will not provide (even if social media says otherwise).
Does dragon fruit have any downsides? One of dragon fruit’s potential pitfalls: It’s often less accessible and affordable than other fruits. “Since dragon fruit has to be imported, it can be harder to find and more expensive,” McGrane says. If you can’t find fresh dragon frui...