The query takes 13.16 minutes to complete: The physical plan for this query containsPartitionCount: 1000, as shown below. This means Apache Spark is scanning all 1000 partitions in order to execute the query. This is not an efficient query, because theupdatedata only has partition values of1an...
Since Spark provides a way to execute the raw SQL, let’s learn how to write the same slicing example using Spark SQL expression. In order to use raw SQL, first, you need to create a table usingcreateOrReplaceTempView(). This creates a temporary view from the Dataframe and this view is...
Spark (Scala) Spark SQL .NET Spark (C#) SparkR (R)You can set the primary language for new added cells from the dropdown list in the top command bar.Use multiple languagesYou can use multiple languages in one notebook by specifying the correct language magic command at the beginning of ...
val updates = spark.range(100).withColumn("id", (rand() * 30000000 * 2).cast(IntegerType)) .withColumn("par", ($"id" % 2).cast(IntegerType)) .withColumn("ts", current_timestamp()) .dropDuplicates("id") updates.createOrReplaceTempView(updatesTableName) ...
("/Volumes/main/default/my-volume/babynames.csv") babynames.createOrReplaceTempView("babynames_table") years = spark.sql("select distinct(Year) from babynames_table").toPandas()['Year'].tolist() years.sort() dbutils.widgets.dropdown("year", "2014", [str(x) for x in years]) ...
val updates = spark.range(100).withColumn("id", (rand() * 30000000 * 2).cast(IntegerType)) .withColumn("par", ($"id" % 2).cast(IntegerType)) .withColumn("ts", current_timestamp()) .dropDuplicates("id") updates.createOrReplaceTempView(updatesTableName) ...
val updates = spark.range(100).withColumn("id", (rand() * 30000000 * 2).cast(IntegerType)) .withColumn("par", ($"id" % 2).cast(IntegerType)) .withColumn("ts", current_timestamp()) .dropDuplicates("id") updates.createOrReplaceTempView(updatesTableName) ...
("/Volumes/main/default/my-volume/babynames.csv") babynames.createOrReplaceTempView("babynames_table") years = spark.sql("select distinct(Year) from babynames_table").toPandas()['Year'].tolist() years.sort() dbutils.widgets.dropdown("year", "2014", [str(x) for x in years]) ...
val updates = spark.range(100).withColumn("id", (rand() * 30000000 * 2).cast(IntegerType)) .withColumn("par", ($"id" % 2).cast(IntegerType)) .withColumn("ts", current_timestamp()) .dropDuplicates("id") updates.createOrReplaceTempView(updatesTableName) ...
val updates = spark.range(100).withColumn("id", (rand() * 30000000 * 2).cast(IntegerType)) .withColumn("par", ($"id" % 2).cast(IntegerType)) .withColumn("ts", current_timestamp()) .dropDuplicates("id") updates.createOrReplaceTempView(updatesTableName) ...