youtube-dl -f 22 "" --downloader aria2c -Uv [debug] Command-line config: ['-f', '22', '', '--downloader', 'aria2c', '-Uv']...
it defines how many files aria 2 can download in parallel. If, for example, you use an input file containing 20 URLs with the above switch and use-j 3, aria 2 will start downloading three of those files in parallel. When one of them completes, it will move to the next one on...
8. Now copy the download link fromDownload Link (need to set UA)and paste it into Add Url section of IDM and start the Download files from Other Methods to Download File Aria2(Windows) Click hereto Unziparia2.zipand run点此启动.bat ...
To download a torrent with aria2c, run the program followed by the path of the “.torrent” file that you want to download. Just like in rTorrent, this could either be a local or remote path: aria2c
What it would be nice, would be to have something like a new flag that builds config settings for each download: aria2c --build-config<magnet-link> After you interrupt it and want to resume, all you must do would be something like: ...
Primarily worked on by Vineet Choudhary, Downloader for Apple Developers is based on aria2, a utility used to download files that support segmented downloading. The program hands the download auth token from cookies and provides them to aria2 and other elements to handle the downloads. ...
Recommend using Aria2 with yt-dlp, speeds up downloads by A LOT! Reply Diego Asturias would love to give that a try! Reply Maxime Thank you for the article, very useful. There is a small error… “Open the .bashrc with any of the following text editors. ...
1. Go to download place. 2. Find the page where all DOWNLOAD buttons available. 3. Click the option button and findMetalinkand click. This will download a file which name ended with .meta4. This can be downloaded with ARIA2. 4. Alternatively, click the option button and findPick Mirror...
Step 1:First, you must install the download acceleratoraria2on the Debian system from the following command: sudoaptinstallaria2-y Step 2:Then installcurlcommand on Debian system through the following command: sudoaptinstallcurl-y Step 3:After that, execute the following bash command to install...
You will get options such asaria2,wget,cURL, and text files to download scripts; type4to download the text file with download instructions. We typed3forcURLand pressedEnter. Now press any key to exit the file. Read more about this topic ...