Better override support. The current macros allow little to no result overrides, the pkg-config macros let you pass FOO_CFLAGS and FOO_LIBS manually. Cleaner version checks. The code used in libxml.m4 is really creepy. Patch from Michał Górny ...
可使用绝对路径或相对路径, 默认: 当前启动位置dir=../local-downloads# 从会话文件中读取下载任务input-file=./aria2.session# 会话文件保存路径# Aria2 退出时或指定的时间间隔会保存`错误/未完成`的下载任务到会话文件save-session=./aria2.session# 单服务器最大连接线程数, 任务添加时可指定, 默认:1# ...
This program comes with no warranty. You must use this program at your own risk. Introduction aria2 is a utility for downloading files. The supported protocols are HTTP(S), FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent, and Metalink. aria2 can download a file from multiple sources/protocols and tries to utilize ...
(字节/秒), 0表示不限制; 您可以增加数值的单位K或M(1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K) max-download-limit=0 # 禁用配置文件 no-cnotallow= # 文件分配限制 # 不对比此参数设置大小小的分配文件; 您可以增加数值的单位K或M(1K = 1024, 1M = 1024K) no-file-allocation-limit=5M # 启用参数化URI支持# ...
max-download-limit=0 # 禁用 IPv6, 默认:false disable-ipv6=false # GZip 支持,默认:false http-accept-gzip=true # URI 复用,默认: true reuse-uri=false # 禁用 netrc 支持,默认:false no-netrc=true # 允许覆盖,当相关控制文件(.aria2)不存在时从头开始重新下载。默认:false ...
# downloads globally. #bt-max-open-files=100 # Comma separated list of additional BitTorrent tracker's announce URI. bt-tracker=,,,,http://open.tracke...
This program comes with no warranty. You must use this program at your own risk. Introduction aria2 is a utility for downloading files. The supported protocols are HTTP(S), FTP, SFTP, BitTorrent, and Metalink. aria2 can download a file from multiple sources/protocols and tries to utilize ...
×××地址:,目前最新版的是1.18.10, 1、下载 源码包 2、编译安装 # wget tar xf aria2-1.18.10.tar....
save-session=D:\Program Files\aria2\aria2.session(这两个是记录和读取下载历史用的,断电和重启时保证下载任务不会丢失,如果有时aria2不能启动,清空这里面的内容就行了,路径D:\Program Files\aria2\改为你安装aria2的路径) 完整版配置文件: dir=D:\Downloads\ ...
dir=/home/pi/AriaDownloads# Log pathlog=/home/pi/.config/aria2/aria2.log# File caching, using the built-in file cache, if you don't believe the Linux kernel file cache and disk built-in cache, you need version 1.16 and above.# disk-cache=0# Another way to cache Linux files, ...