How to deal with parameters or variables having units with fractional or non-integer powersLogin
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Why Is Binary Used in Electronics and Computers? How Do Binary Numbers Work? Alternative Number Systems: What Are Binary Numbers? How to Calculate Arc Length of a Circle, Segment and Sector Area
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So if we eliminate one variable, then the equations that remain get more complicated, with higher (and often fractional) powers. Why is this a problem? You may have learned about the old proof that polynomials of degree higher than 4 will generally hav...
Negative and Fractional Powers d/dx xc= cxc-1does also hold when c is a negative number and therefore, for example: 1/x = x-1 d/dx 1/x = -1/x2 Furthermore, it also holds when c is fractional. This allows us to calculate the derivative of, for example, the square root: ...
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