Negative and Fractional Powers d/dx xc= cxc-1does also hold when c is a negative number and therefore, for example: 1/x = x-1 d/dx 1/x = -1/x2 Furthermore, it also holds when c is fractional. This allows us to calculate the derivative of, for example, the square root: d/dx...
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Calculate the fractions of an integer for specific cases. For example, ¾ of 21 is (3x21)/4 or 63/4. This fraction is known as an improper fraction because the numerator is greater than the denominator. Step 4 Convert an improper fraction to a mixed number. A mixed number is a numbe...
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How to deal with parameters or variables having units with fractional or non-integer powersLogin
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Fractional Exponent Rule: This rule is mainly used for switching a radical form into exponential form, which is defined as: a=a12 Power of the power rule: It is used to simplify an exponential term that has two exponent values. (ab)c=abc Answer and Ex...
How to Calculate The Phi Function A simple (but a little tedious) way to perform the calculation by hand is: Write down all of the numbers in the set. Delete the numbers that share any common factor greater than 1. As an example, let’s say the number in the set is n = 30. ...
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Calculate Compound Interest Here's how to use the calculator:Enter your initial investment or your current balance Set your regular contributions Input how many years you plan on growing your investment Add the interest rate for both your savings and investmentsFrom...