Next, you shouldgrade your soil— or determine the slope of the ground. You don’t want a completely flat surface. A 1 or 2 percent slope is best, but make sure it’s facing away from your house or any structures. This will divert water — from rain or irrigation— away from your ...
Dahlias thrive in 6 to 8 hours of direct sun, especially morning sunlight, and they benefit from protection from wind. Consider their size at maturity when planting. They grow best in rich, well-draining soil with a pH of 6.0 to 7.5. Amend heavy clay soil with aged manure or compost to...
Before you plant, use a test kit to determine your soil pH. Pre-made soil mixes should already be properly balanced for at least the first growing season. Adjust pH by adding lime to increase alkalinity, or sulphur to increase acidity....
Finding your garden zone is pretty straightforward with a broadband internet connection. TheUSDA Plant Hardiness Zones Mapis an easy-to-navigate interactive map based on GIS (Geographic Information System). To find your plant hardiness zone, just click on your state or type your ZIP code into th...
Wait to harvest until the husks have completely turned brown. Usually this takes 100 to 120 days from planting. In dry climates, the ears can be left on the stalks even longer, until they are completely dry, but in rainier climates it’s a good idea to bring them indoors to finish ...
How and when to prune depends on the type you are growing. You’ll need to determine whether your plant blooms on old wood, new wood, or both before proceeding to prune. Learn more here: How to Prune Hydrangeas. Soil: All like well-drained soil that is rich in organic matter. Soil...
Planting Petunias need full sun, or they will become spindly. They don’t tend to flower well in shade. The soil should drain well and not stay overly wet, especially in containers. It should also be moderately fertile to promote the best growth. Amend poor soil withfinished compostprior ...
Considering zones will help you determine what you can plant as a perennial (regrows every spring) versus an annual (blooms for one growing season and dies off), the info is essential. Choosing the right weather conditions and time of day for planting can also benefit your shrub.Nastya Vasyl...
Planting carrots in the home garden requires a bit of patience, as the tiny seeds may not germinate for two weeks or more. Test the soil to determine the pH level. An inexpensive soil test from your local hardware store will assess the pH level and provide recommendations for adjusting the...
Moon garden: to be enjoyed after-hours, a garden that blooms at night Cottage garden: a thrifty or whimsical garden, often associated with English homesteads Will you be planting your garden directly into the ground or in planters and raised beds? This will determine whether or not you’ll ...