You can intertwine each of the elements throughout the garden simultaneously, or you might create different sensory zones that cater to each sense individually. At Wickham Park in Manchester, Connecticut, director emeritus Jeff Maron created a space for each sense at the 250-acre park. "We ...
There are over 33 species in the Paeonia genus, all native to Asia, Europe, and western North America. Zones Peonies can be grown in zones 2 to 8 (depending somewhat on the variety). Because they need some chilling time in order to bloom, they can’t be grown in more southern zones ...
Communal work zones with a bit of buzz are intended for team interaction as well as independent work. Nearby huddle and telephone rooms allow people to duck into a private space for a quick call or impromptu meeting. Quiet zones for concentrative, contemplative work are far from public...
Allow your plant a year or two to become established, and thendivide it as you would other perennials. The advantage of dividing is that you will have an exact “clone” of the parent plant, and you can also save seeds to try “potluck” plantings elsewhere. Learn how to divide and t...
Know Your Customers: Pinpoint who your primary customers will be. Are they craft brewers, food manufacturers, or home brewing enthusiasts? Labor and Workforce Management Seasonal vs. Permanent: Some tasks, such as planting and trellis training, require seasonal assistance. However, full-time staff ...
These trees can be tricky to grow, despite their hardiness. They can survive in zones 2 through 9 and do well in wet areas. The issues with willow trees are numerous pest problems, invasive roots that can mess up your lawn or crack concrete, and brittle branches that break easily in high...
Basil can be planted in USDA Hardiness Zones 4-11 but will fare much better in the consistently warm, sunny climates in zones 10-11. Potted basil won’t need to be moved indoors in zone 10 and above, as long as temps don’t dip below 50°F – lower zones, meanwhile, musthelp their...
Winter gardening is challenging in these zones. This is due to the snowfall and cold. Even backyard greenhouses are not usually worth the trouble due to the continued freezing temperatures. You may be able to grow a few things. For example, in Zone 3, it’s possible to grow very hardy ...
Jades and all other members of the Crassula family are succulent plants, in that they have the ability to store water in their leaves, stems and roots. Jade plants have an active and a dormant growing cycle. Watering and feeding should be determined by this growing cycle. ...
Mycorrhizal strategies are very effective in enhancing plant acquisition of poorly-mobile nutrients, particularly phosphorus (P) from infertile soil. However, on very old and severely P-impoverished soils, a carboxylate-releasing and P-mobilising cluster-root strategy is more effective at acquiring this...