Mass spectrometry is a useful tool that could be utilized in the analysis of the binding of compounds of interest to a protein or a receptor. It could also be used to decipher the reaction constants of enzymes. Developmental methods contributed to study and describe the optimal conditions for ...
First, determine "a." Find out what yourbasal metabolic rate(BMR) is by using aBMR calculator(sometimes referred to as basal energy expenditure, or BEE, calculator).Calculate how many calories you burnthrough daily activity and add that number to your BMR. This looks like: BMR + calories bu...
Thecolorofpurplecomplexisdirectlyproportionaltotheconcentrationofprotein,buthasnothingtodowithproteinmolecularweightandaminoacidcomposition,soitcanbeusedtodetermineproteincontent.Therangeofdeterminationwas1~10mgprotein.Themaininterferingsubstancesareammoniumsulfate,Trisbufferandsomeaminoacids. ...
The color of purple complex is directly proportional to the concentration of protein, but has nothing to do with protein molecular weight and amino acid composition, so it can be used to determine protein content. The range of determination was 1~10mg protein. The main interfering substances are...
This process has allowed us to determine which pocket descriptors were significantly different (p-value < 1.10−4) for each group with respect to the 3 remaining groups and provides a physicochemical profile of a representative pocket for each of the 4 groups. Thus, the group of Brd ...
Since around 10% of your total calories per day should come from protein, our calculator also factors in your basal metabolic rate (BMR) — the number of calories your body burns while at rest. (1) How does our calculator determine your BMR? It depends on whether you know your current ...
A step-by-step protocol to determine dynamic binding capacity (DBC) of a chromatography resin to screen for the best resin and running conditions for your protein purification. What is dynamic binding capacity? In protein purification, dynamic binding capacity (DBC) of a chromatography column ...
Costs and benefits help determine the best correction method Like choosing a significance threshold, choosing which multiple testing correction method to use depends upon the costs associated with false positives and false negatives. In particular, FDR analysis is appropriate if follow-up analyses will...
“A popular target is histones, the positively charged small proteins that package DNA from chromosomes to form particles small enough to fit into cell nuclei. The site(s) and extent of methylation and acetylation determine whether or not particular genes are expressed.” In contrast, it is ...
To determine how much protein you actually should be getting, you need to be familiar with a term called“nitrogen balance”. Here’s how nitrogen balance works: Nitrogen enters your body when you consume protein from food oramino acid supplements, and nitrogen exits your body in your urine ...