If your character's nose is small, and flat or concave in projection, you could easily say, "She had the cutest button nose." Similes also can be used to strike effective visuals: "His nose was as thick and crooked as a tree branch," or "a thin and straight as a shark fin." ...
giveavividpicture.Solet’slearnhowto describeaperson.Celebrity Celebrity Appearance:gorgeousBuild:slenderHair:blacklongandstraightDress:apurpleskirt 1.VocabularyStudy-appearance •(1)Face:roundface圆脸squareface方脸highcheekbones高颧骨 average/plain/commonlooking长相一般 goodlooking长得好看ahaggardface瘦削的...
1、How to Describe A Person1. Physical appearance: face, facial expressions, body, clothes2. Personality: habit, interests, manners, tastes, actions Top to bottom / bottom to top Front to back / back to front Right to left / left to rightjaw- Facial AppearanceFaceEyesEyebrowsEyelashesEyelid...
You can use "nose" to describe different parts of your nose too! The bridge of your nose: That's the part between your eyes, where your nose starts. You can talk about having a "high bridge" or a "low bridge" depending on the shape of your nose. The tip ...
nose:abig/smallnose 高鼻梁ahighnose直鼻梁astraightnose 鹰钩鼻ahookednose,朝天鼻aturned-upnose塌鼻梁 aflatnose 灿餓爱阁級馳絹鈾彌裣雳屜嬋橥嘘。 还有一些adj.可以用来描述人:skinny/skinandbone(s)/bony非常瘦的, 皮包骨的;overweight肥胖的,超重的;underweight体重缺乏的 ...
HowtoDescribeaPerson DescriptiveWriting:People Physicalappearancethewaytheydresstheircharacterandpersonalitytheirinterestsandthethingstheydosocialclassorfamilybackgroundimportantexperiences appearanceface eyenosemouth figurehair dress 1.VocabularyStudyAppearance •(1)脸型(face):•round圆的;...
there are also much many other words used to describe the face:'good looking','common/average looking','ugly',etc.There are also parts of the face to consider,such as eyebrows,hair,eyes,ears,nose,lips,beard,moustache,so much.Also,there are so many adjectives for each of them...
How to describe a person 关键词汇 一、外貌长相相关词汇 五官特征长睫毛 Long lashes 朝天鼻 An upturned nose 反颔 An underbite大眼睛 Puppy-dog eyes 蒜头鼻 A honker 双下巴 A double chin小眼睛 Small eyes 鹰勾鼻 A hooked nose 五官明显 Strong features无神的眼睛 Lifeless eyes 大鼻孔 Big nostrils...
写作How_to_describe_a_person Writing Howtodescribeaperson Introduction Basicsfordescribingaperson •Physicalappearance:face,facialexpressions,body,clothes•Personality:habit,interests,manners,tastes,actions•Focusononeortwoaspectsofaperson•Produceanoverallimpressionandyourfeelingabouttheperson(keywordinyourtopic...
How_to_Describe_A_Person概论 HowtoDescribeAPerson ❖Basicsfordescribingaperson 1.Physicalappearance:face,facialexpressions,body,clothes 2.Personality:habit,interests,manners,tastes,actions Organizeinspatialorder•Toptobottom/bottomtotop•Fronttoback/backtofront•Righttoleft/lefttoright ❖Thevocabularyto...