Hey there, image enthusiasts! Ever wondered how to effortlessly talk about those stunning visuals you've got stored on your phone or computer, in English? Well, you're in the right place! This guide dives deep into the various ways you can describe images, pictures, and ph...
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Describe your chosen images in a concise and emotional manner within the form you have chosen for your image poem. Its important to use figurative language, sensory details, and personification when writing poetry at this step for different types of imagery such as tactile imagery, gustator...
To describe a person’s appearance in English, you can use adjectives to describe their physical characteristics such as their height, weight, hair color, and facial features. It is important to be respectful and not to use language that could be considered offensive when describing a person’s...
用英文介绍一家公司时,可以遵循以下结构和要点:1. 公司基本信息 公司名称:例如,”Cycle Era 2 Ltd.“。 所有权结构:明确指出公司由谁拥有,如”It is coowned by two individuals.“。2. 公司历史与发展 成立时间:”The company was established in 1999.“。
So, let's dive into the delightful world of color description! Forget the literal translation struggle for a moment; let's focus on building a vivid image with words. Imagine the specific shade you're trying to describe. Is it reminiscent of anything? Think about Asso...
Focus on your job title or degree, add a good word to describe yourself, and mention your professional experience. Plus, skip personal pronouns. Here’s an example: Motivated project manager with 5+ years of experience in creative agencies. 2. Show Skills Tailored to the Job Posting Next, ...
It might describe a moment at work or a fun experience at an amusement park but doesn’t necessarily include all five key story elements. When I was young, my grandfather took me to the park to feed the ducks. I’d ask him questions, and he always had an answer. Years later, I ...
雅思口语新周刊 English Podcast 3505.01万25.31万免费订阅 2018年01月13日雅思考试听力分析(Jason去考场蹲题啦) 896304:04 Part2 Describe an interesting discussion you had about how you spend money 938204:47 Part3 What would you do if you couldn't understand the language in foreign film? 950004:13...
How to Describe People in English: 4 Ways 1. Describing someone’s appearance To describe someone’s appearance, you will often useadjectives. An adjective is a kind of word that describes anoun(a person, place or thing). Here are some words and phrases you can use to describe a person...