you might be thinking, “I know how to talk about a house; I can say 'door' and 'window,'" but that’s not quite what we’re focusing on today. I’m going to show you how native speakers from Britain actually describe their homes. So, we're about to go on...
A bonus room is an extra space in your home that you can use in various ways. While the term may be used to describe any unused space, a bonus room is usually space found above thegarageand accessed by a staircase or from an existing hallway on the second floor, according to the Plan...
This guide will show you how to develop a culture of team collaboration, no matter the age or size of your agency. Collaboration. Few words describe the modern workplace more than this one. Management gurus write books about it. Fortune 500 companies declare it their defining value. And ...
I had moments, days, and even months when, as I boldly answered questions about whether it is okay to contact an agent who has had your manuscript for four months to ask what’s going on (it isn’t) or whether a writer can submit adult fiction to the major publishing houses directly ...
Hallway testing is an informal way to test your design with real users. A hallway test involves going to a crowded area and simply asking passers-by to test and evaluate an interface. A local Starbucks can be a good place to go: as a rule, people are more likely to interact with stran...
2. Paint a Picture with Words: Imagine you're painting a picture of your day for someone who's never been to your school. Use vivid details to bring your experiences to life. Sensory Details: Describe what you heard (the teacher's voice, the chatter in the hallway...
It can be inferred that David's neighbors called the police because A. they saw the shadow come into David's house B. they found that David's money was stolen C. they were angry with David D. they heard shots in David's house( )30. Which of the following words can best describe ...
The words we use to describe bodies, for example, will have a lasting impact on the body image of a generation (I grew up in the noughties, so I should know). The fictional worlds we create in our ads have the possibility to not just reflect the culture of the day, but to shape...
4Describe your desired results Unless your only goal is to get the incident off your chest, include a way to fix the issue so the recipient understands what actions can be taken to reach a resolution. Consider what you want to come of your complaint: Are you looking for a replacement, a...
If our school was a person, what three words would you use to describe it? Collect answers from varied sources — teachers, students, parents, and so on — and look for common elements. Ask yourself: Do those common descriptors match what you want to communicate about your school?