Other dorms have rooms along at a common hole wayhallway. 其他宿舍则沿着过道划分一个个房间. 期刊摘选 After I crossed the threshold of the conference hall, I collapsed in the universityhallway. 跨过会议厅的门槛后, 我就倒在了大学的走廊里. ...
1839年,來自 hall 和way(名詞)。 也來自:1839 相關條目 hallway hall(n.) 古英語中的 heall 指的是“寬敞的有屋頂的住所、房屋; 廟宇; 法庭”,指任何有屋頂覆蓋的大空間,源自原始日耳曼語中的 *hallo,意爲“有屋頂的地方,大廳”(源頭還包括古撒克遜語、古高地德語 halla 、德語 halle 、荷蘭語 hal 、...
鼠标悬停查看成分解释 hallway / +/ 走廊,门厅 美['hɔlwe] 考点解读 托福 雅思 Official词频:3建筑学听力词汇阅读词汇口语词汇 hallway 常考释义 n. 走廊 变形词 复数hallways 托福常考例句 Good. The doors to the house as well…uh…the house didn’t have a main entrance or anyhallways. ...
(Architecture) a hall or corridor Collins English Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014 hall•way (ˈhɔlˌweɪ) n. ...
halln(entryway, entrance area)SCSimplified Chinese门厅mén tīng Jane let her neighbor into the hall for a chat, but didn't invite her in. 简将邻居让到门厅聊了一会儿,但没有邀请她进里面。 其他翻译 英语中文 Halln(home of a noble)SCSimplified Chinese城堡chéng bǎo ...
1.3英文释义:A passage in a building that connects rooms or apartments. 1.4相关词汇:corridor(走廊,尤指建筑物内两侧有房间的狭长通道);passageway(通道,过道,可用于室内或室外);aisle(教堂、剧院、火车等座位间的通道,也可指超市货架间的过道 ) --- 2 起源与背景 2.1词源:“hallway”由“hall”和“way”...
An interior passage or corridor onto which rooms open. Hyphenation hall•way Part of Speech (名) noun Matching Results 门厅 méntīng entrance hall; vestibule 过道 guòdào passageway; corridor; aisle 㡼 yì granary, a cabin, as in the ship, a corridor; hallway 㢚 lǔ corridor; hallway...
A hallway in a building is a long passage with doors into rooms on both sides of it. There are two syllables in this word: hall-way. Example 1.There were low, muffled voices rising from the hallway. 从走廊里隐约传来...
Corridor is a passage inside of building connecting room or allowing access to several different rooms, also know as a hall way. For example: From the main entrance you go through the corridor, and you can reach the elevator 综上所述,两个词是没有什么区别的,corridor从词源上来说源自意大利语...
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