Though this method won't help you during runtime, the easiest way to fade an object in and out is to do it via the Inspector. We'll start with 2D objects. Once you have created a new 2D sprite, you can access its Sprite Renderer component, and from there, the Color attribute, like...
}#elifWINDOWS_UWP || UNITY_WSARaycastHit hit;if(this.TryGazeHitTest(outhit)) { hitPosition = hit.point; }#endifQuaternion rotation = Quaternion.AngleAxis(0, Vector3.up);this.localAnchor = GameObject.Instantiate(/* some prefab */, hitPosition, rotation);this.localAnchor.AddComponent<CloudNat...
Best way to use HttpClient, as singleton or new instance for each http request? Best way to wait a (void) task to complete. Bindable property is not working on custom control Binding an Image to a byte[] property on a model Binding Base64 Image XAML Binding Command for Button inside a ...
This is the default behavior of unity. To actually scene the Gizmos you have to enable it in Scene window Now, when Gizmos is enabled you can see them, and when you collapse the component in the inspector, that Gizomo will be hidden. When you expand the component, you can see...
I Occasionally forget to exit Play mode and go on building my UI making objects and changes, only to realize that I'm still in Play Mode and as soon as I unpress the play button, these will be purged! I suppose the Unity Editor has its reasons for allowing editing o...
The Light Component Reference page has more info on all this, but the main thing is that for textures to be usable for cookies, the following properties need to be set:To create a light cookie for a spot light:Paint a cookie texture in Photoshop. The image should be greyscale. White ...
Unity is the ultimate game development platform. Use Unity to build high-quality 3D and 2D games, deploy them across mobile, desktop, VR/AR, consoles or the Web, and connect with loyal and enthusiastic players and customers.
So it could be great to just load it when we actually need it. A streaming asset it just that: an asset placed in a specific folder that would be loaded by the Unity Player when needed. That asset will be placed in an easy to find address within the target platform. Please note ...
[SetUp] public void Setup() { // Use "Resources/Prefabs/Game" to create an instance of the "Game(GameObject)". GameObject gameGameObject = MonoBehaviour.Instantiate(Resources.Load<GameObject>("Prefabs/Game")); // Get "Game(Script)" as a component of "Game(GameObject)". game = gameGameObj...
I'm going to speak from a little bit of experience, going from a rigid OO-design to an Entity-Component-System (ECS) design. A while back I was just like you, I had a bunch of different types of things that had similar properties and I built out various objects and tried t...