1. RFC destination中指定的User ID必须是具有debug权限的dialog帐号 2. 被调用系统中必须设定debug user ID 为RFC destination中指定的user ID, 且该User ID必须是具有debug权限的dialog用户 3. 断点类型必须为外部断点
1. RFC destination中指定的User ID必须是具有debug权限的dialog帐号 2. 被调用系统中必须设定debug user ID 为RFC destination中指定的user ID, 且该User ID必须是具有debug权限的dialog用户 3. 断点类型必须为外部断点 debug debug rfc former jive document function module Retagging Required rfc sap chinese lan...
1. RFC destination中指定的User ID必须是具有debug权限的dialog帐号 2. 被调用系统中必须设定debug user ID 为RFC destination中指定的user ID, 且该User ID必须是具有debug权限的dialog用户 3. 断点类型必须为外部断点 debug debug rfc former jive document function module Retagging Required rfc sap chinese ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, SAP Customer Relationship Management Hi, I am debugging a program, in between a RFC fucntion module is called with destination. I am unable to debug this function module (The processor is not going inside the FM). How to do it? I am using ECC6.0 Tha...
0 Mimic SAP Transaction in RFC 1 Table parameters to SAP RFC are empty 3 Is there any way to check if RFC exists in a SAP system 1 How to find the correct ABAP function corresponding to SAP FRONTEND action 0 RFC destination authentication from Non-SAP system 3 Retri...
Solved: Hello everybody, we are having a problem with an rfc module whithin our system which is called by an external sap system. Now, the question is, is there any
set a breakpoint in the method below, then execute the selected entry. (4) in debugger change the content of ls_rfc_dest-rfcdest to "NONE". (5) go to SM58, you will find one entry for background execution in step4. if you could not find any entry, please check whether you have...
Of course, I could log the received RFC data in the .NET application by my own custom code after it is deserialized by the SAP-.NET Connector, but I thought I could trace the data without touching the application? I guess, there must be an algorithm or a tool to decode and display ...
Introduction Every SAP Customer that uses SAP ERP always use the SAP Workflow Capability. One issue every ABAPER who wants to know about SAP Workflow has is how to DEBUG
SAP is enterprise resource planning (ERP) software. Integrate App Connect with an on-premises SAP system by establishing a connection through the SAP Remote Function Call (RFC) communications interface. To use the SAP RFC connector inApp Connect, you must configure an on-premisesIBM® App Conne...