1. RFC destination中指定的User ID必须是具有debug权限的dialog帐号 2. 被调用系统中必须设定debug user ID 为RFC destination中指定的user ID, 且该User ID必须是具有debug权限的dialog用户 3. 断点类型必须为外部断点
1. RFC destination中指定的User ID必须是具有debug权限的dialog帐号 2. 被调用系统中必须设定debug user ID 为RFC destination中指定的user ID, 且该User ID必须是具有debug权限的dialog用户 3. 断点类型必须为外部断点
Now you can use the SAP ActiveX RFC Controls e.g. in VBA or VBScript, without an installed SAP GUI for Windows. Here a VBScript example: '-Begin--- '-Directives--- Option Explicit '-Sub Main---
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development ABAP Development Programming Tool View products (1) hello Gurus, We made a RFC call from SAP r3 to sap grc nfe...we did not receive any data in sap grc ...we go to SM58 and there it gives the message "Name or password is incorrect (repeat log...
Is there a way to install SAP NW RFC on cloud foundary and use node-rfc npm packagemtolksdorf commented May 19, 2020 NW RFC Library cannot be used in the context of SAP CP Cloud Foundry. The respective functionality needed to consume a Cloud Connector tunnel is not offered with NW RFC...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Check the Function Group CRFC, you should be able to find a FM for your use.. RFC_MODIFY* Regards, Shobha Reply former_member699182 Participant In response to former_member1297295 2014 Nov 07 6:12 AM 0 Kudos 1,360 SAP Managed Tags:...
Hi, i want to know step for creating RFC function module and then How to use this function module from some other sap system. Thnaks, jigar
(APOP) command, which requires a timestamp ID to be sent by the server at connect time in the greeting line. This server-sent timestamp ID is then combined with the user’s password by the client and converted into fixed-size hexadecimal "digest" form with the MD5 algorithm (see RFC ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hi, Make sure RFC user is defined as Dialog user (It would be nice to try to create same user name if possible). Not %100 sure but I never had problems on debugging if I have same user in both systems. And dialog user is a must. Regards, ...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, SAP Customer Relationship Management Hi, I am debugging a program, in between a RFC fucntion module is called with destination. I am unable to debug this function module (The processor is not going inside the FM). How to do it? I am using ECC6.0 Tha...