很多ABAP的初学者在debug程序的时候经常会遇到一个问题,那就是RFC的function module的debug问题,例如,A系统的程序中通过RFC调用了B系统中的一个function module, 在B系统中设置断点后,如何才能让程序执行到该断点是停下来呢?下面我将通过一个例子来说明. 准备工作 : 1. 准
Additional Blogs by SAP SAP如何debug远程调用的函数模块 (SAP: How to debug RFC) former_member218277 Active Participant 2013 Oct 15 8:19 AM 51 Kudos 9,184 很多ABAP的初学者在debug程序的时候经常会遇到一个问题,那就是RFC的function module的debug问题,例如,A系统的程序中通过RFC调用了B系...
1 Table parameters to SAP RFC are empty 3 Is there any way to check if RFC exists in a SAP system 1 How to find the correct ABAP function corresponding to SAP FRONTEND action 0 RFC destination authentication from Non-SAP system 3 Retrieve sapui5 BSP from NW ABAP sys...
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development, SAP Customer Relationship Management Hi, I am debugging a program, in between a RFC fucntion module is called with destination. I am unable to debug this function module (The processor is not going inside the FM). How to do it? I am using ECC6.0 Tha...
Solved: Hello everybody, we are having a problem with an rfc module whithin our system which is called by an external sap system. Now, the question is, is there any
Introduction Every SAP Customer that uses SAP ERP always use the SAP Workflow Capability. One issue every ABAPER who wants to know about SAP Workflow has is how to DEBUG
0 ABAP Eclipse debugger, function keys missing 0 How to debug specific data package in RSA3 2 Dynamics 365 - How to Debug the code from it’s beginning 3 Debugging under RFC user possible? 1 How to debug DMEE Exit Events in SAP Hot Network Questions what would be an alternative...
Step 1: Activate external debugging in SICF Start transcationSICF.Select the required service that has been published in step 0 in the service hierarchy. In our example the service Z_FLIGHT_CHECKAVAILIBILITY that is located in the following directory/default_host/sap/bc/srt/rfc/sap/. ChooseEdi...
Introduction : With BW 7.3 version, SAP delivers the BAdI RSROA_VARIABLES_EXIT_BADI (BADI to fill variables). The BAdI is the Customer upstream exit, that is, the calls
SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Development Hey Florian, That's a crude but very effective way of debugging aRFC PS: If i remember you're not a hard-core ABAPer !! Reply Former Member In response to Former Member 2010 Sep 16 11:11 AM 0 Kudos 684 SAP Managed Tags: ABAP Develop...