Each child responds to trauma in a different way depending on the circumstances and their age and personality. What is common is that all children turn towards their parents and teachers for support in these situations. Hence, it is important to understand how to help your child deal wi...
Childhood trauma doesn’t go away just because you grow up. There can be a long-term impact on mental health, relationships, and sense of self-worth. Fortunately, knowing the symptoms of childhood trauma in adults, the effect it can have, and how to treat it can help you heal from a ...
And is bipolar disorder linked to creativity, or is that just a myth? Is it genetic or something that people develop as a result of trauma? And what are researchers learning about helping people with bipolar disorder manage it and live healthy, productive lives? Welcome to Speaking of ...
Discover how to address trauma, from injury and shock to PTSD and stress. Learn about therapy, counseling, and recovery methods to heal and move forward.
Trauma triggers can re-traumatize us if we don’t deal with them.3Coping with trauma triggers comes down to dealing with the past trauma they are connected to. Once you resolve and heal from the underlying trauma, you’re also able to manage your triggers. ...
Childhood trauma might be the silent puppeteer pulling the strings. It can influence how we relate to others, how we cope with stress, and even our mental and physical health. Your Personal Journey As we journey through this lesson, take a moment to reflect. What are some memories from ...
Childhood trauma People who have recently had a baby may experiencepostpartum depression.11 Sometimes, there is no obvious cause for the occurence of a depressive episode.10 Some health conditions, such ashypothyroidism, can cause symptoms of depression.3While uncommon, adverse reactions to certain ...
You developed low self-esteem issues due to forms of abuse such as ridicule, put-downs, overly high expectations, being ignored, rejected, or constantly punished. You developed deep-seatedanger issuesboth from unresolved childhood trauma, and an inability to love oneself. ...
They must work harder than usual to make their partners believe in their love and feelings for them. The fear can stem from anything minor to major.It can stem from achildhood traumasuch as parents getting divorced, getting lost, or the loss of a family member or friend. ...
ENTP Childhood Trauma Dealing with trauma from a young age can certainly change the way the ENTP views the world. They likely develop a sense of independence because of it, not knowing how to rely on others or trust them with anything. For the ENTP, learning and understanding the world is...