Each child responds to trauma in a different way depending on the circumstances and their age and personality. What is common is that all children turn towards their parents and teachers for support in these situations. Hence, it is important to understand how to help your child deal wi...
Globally, we work with crisis and conflict. How do we help the many children experiencing this long-term trauma and resettlement? The basic thing we can start with is to know that we need to provide a sense of comfort and safety for every single child we know. ...
Few Answers on How to Effectively Help Children Cope with TraumaTara Haelle
The chief executive of a children's hospital in Israel says the trauma suffered by youngsters released by Hamas is so great they "just don't know how to treat" them. A total of 78 women and children were brought back to Israel from Gaza during the seven-day truce last week...
But there are a few caveats. Expressive writing isn’t a magical panacea. It shouldn’t be used as a replacement for other treatments. And people coping with a severe trauma or depression may not find it useful to...
These parents demand total obedience from their children. They do so under the guise of teaching a child to respect authority. In reality, they’re discounting the natural stage where children begin to push back and question things in their lives (which is not only normal; it’s healthy). ...
ignoring the child’s interest in music. Projecting personal goals on children creates an emotionally abusive environment, according to a 2016 study titled “Narcissism, parenting, complex trauma: the emotional consequences created for children by narcissistic parents,” conducted by Donna M. Mahoney et...
At what age do symptoms usually first appear? What does bipolar disorder look like in children and teens versus adults? What treatments are available? And is bipolar disorder linked to creativity, or is that just a myth? Is it genetic or something that people develop as a result of trauma?
parties involved. Unfortunately, oftentimes it falls hardest on the children of the family. No matter the age, it can be difficult to process the idea of your family changing. It is important to be aware of this as things play out to minimize emotional trauma for children going through ...
Even if your spouse has been diagnosed with borderline personality disorder, do not assume the worst. All is not lost. In this day and age, with proper treatment and medication, a lot can be salvaged. Though it won’t be perfect and nothing will be like it was before. However, you ...