Ticks live in grass, bushes or where trees are lush, as well as on the surface of animals. You may come into contact with ticks after walking dogs outdoors, camping, gardening, picking tea, farming or hunting. Sometimes people are infected with ticks in courtyards or...
How To Safely Remove Ticks From Dogs and other products can be found to fulfill the needs of all your pets, our pets, at EntirelyPets. Free Shipping* on most items!
If you're wondering how to treat ticks in dogs, you will need tweezers and disinfectant and possibly a little help from a friend if your dog is likely to wriggle. Using the tweezers, grasp the head of the tick as close to the dog’s skin as you can. Pull upward in a firm, steady...
There are severaldifferent methods for preventing fleasand ticks on your dogs. These methods include a flea tablet, flea shampoos, topical treatments, and flea collars. Flea and tick collars for dogs and tablets can help keep your pet tick and flea free for up to eight months, while topical...
Be sure to take extra care with long-haired dogs and pups with thicker fur. It can be difficult to spot ticks on these pets, so it’s a good idea to feel under their fur with your hands, especially in areas ticks tend to like the most. How Do ...
Reasons for dogs chewing paws How to stop a dog chewing paws Injury or parasites Allergies and stress All dogs nibble on an itch now and then. But why do dogs chew their paws persistently? And why might they suddenly start chewing their paws when they didn’t before? Today we take a cl...
Some of these diseases can occur in dogs or cats and humans. In fact, Lyme disease is the number one vector-borne disease –– a disease transmitted from one host to another by an insect or arachnid –– of humans in the United States. Controlling Fleas and TicksFlea and tick control ...
Ticks pose a real threat to people and dogs, but so does staying inside. Fortunately, you can get outside and avoid ticks while hiking.
How to get rid of fleas on dogs, cats and other pets If you see red bumps or hair loss on your pet (cats included!) or notice them scratching frequently, that could be a sign that they have fleas — and that you have fleas in your house. Bathe your pets with a shampoo your vet...
As pet owners, we do whatever it takes to keep our pets safe. We ensure they have all of their shots and are protected from fleas and ticks. But there is a predator out in full force this time of year. How do you protect your pets from coyotes?