Fleas and ticks are irritating things that all pet owners have to deal with at some point. Thankfully, several medications are specifically designed to treat fleas and ticks and prevent their presence on your dog. However, with so many options, it can be easy to get confused. Let’s take ...
This includes removing the ticks as soon as possible and trying to prevent attachment. Ticks are considered excellent carriers and transmitters of various diseases. Ticks within the Ixodidae (hard tick) family transmit the majority of disease. The brown dog tick and the American dog tick are the...
But because scratching, licking and grooming are normal behaviours, it can be difficult for pet owners to know when their cat is overgrooming or when a dog is scratching or licking more than usual. Too much scratching, licking or grooming can lead to skin infections - an all too common pro...
There are a few well-known home methods for removing ticks that owners may come across when researching what to do with stuck tick heads. These “hacks” are not recommended, even when parts of the tick are left in your dog or cat. Avoid the following methods: Don’t Attempt to Extract...
When it comes to ticks, having the right tick prevention tools makes it easier to keep your dog protected. The bottom line? If you take these simple steps, your dog is much less likely to contract a tick-borne disease. Information in this article is n...
If you try to pull it out quickly, you risk leaving the tick head stuck in your dog, which can increase the risk of infection. It will be easier to remove the tick in one piece if your dog is still. A bone or treat may help keep them occupied while you work to remove the tick....
Apply alcohol to the bite wound to prevent infection. 3. See a Health Care Provider See a health care provider immediately if the tick has burrowed into skin or if the head, mouthparts, or other tick remains cannot be removed. Otherwise, see ahealth careprovider if: ...
How to Treat Dog Mange: Sarcoptic Mange Since the symptoms of Sarcoptic mange mirror many of the symptoms of dog fleas, dog ticks and other dog skin conditions, it is hard accurately diagnose your dog at home. It will benefit your dog and the rest of your family if your make an appointm...
Dog Constantly Licking Paws Due to Parasites Parasites such as mites, fleas, lice or ticks can make your dog itch. If you suspect a parasite infestation, you can treat mild cases at home with ‘over the counter’ medications. In cases of severe parasite infestation, however, don’t do it...
One thing that you need to pay attention to in order to treat your cat’s dandruff or dry skin is to address any possible parasite infestations. Mites, ticks, fleas and a variety of other parasites can cause infections and allergic reactions in your furry friend which in turn lead to skin...