Unhealthy Ways To Deal With Shame As a reference, let’s use the idea of approaching a girl only to have her turn you down. This could be her saying she has a boyfriend, expressing that she’s not interested, or turning her back to talk to her friends. This can be exceedingly painful...
Humiliation 被羞辱的感觉,不如羞耻感 shame那么严重和具有破坏性。Brene孩子的老师给她讲了一件事情,老师一直不清楚Brene 这个教授和研究者研究的是什么主题,直到发生这件事情。老师对孩子说,你真是一团糟。孩子坐的很直,更正老师的说法“我可能把东西弄的一团糟,但我这个人不是一团糟。” 不管发生了什么事情,都不...
The Hunger for Emotional Intimacy: Brene Brown Talks about How Shame Sabotages Our Desire for Intimacy and How Our Capacity to Be Vulnerable Holds the KeyRoberts, Kelly Rae
Brené Brown defines vulnerability as the capacity to be open to attack when we expose what we feel or think. In one way or another all of us have to deal with our vulnerability or lack of it, whether we like it or not. For example, every time we...
In her research, Dr. Brene Brown identifies perfectionism as coming from a place ofdeep shame. She states that in trying to protect ourselves from judgment, we often try todo the impossibleand make zero mistakes. That leads to cycles of thinking “I’m not enough.” ...
In your first TED Talk, you said that before researching shame you avoided mess and discomfort: “I’m more of the, ‘life’s messy, clean it up, organize it and put it into a bento box’ [type].” How do you deal with life’s messiness now?
(2020, May 6). Harriet Lerner and Brené I’m Sorry: How To Apologize & Why It Matters Part 1 of 2. [Audio podcast episode]. In Unlocking Us with Brené Brown. Cadence13. https://brenebrown.com/podcast/harriet-lerner-and-brene-im-sorry-how-to-apologize-why-it-matters...
In Unlocking Us with Brené Brown. Cadence13. https://brenebrown.com/podcast/harriet-lerner-and-brene-im-sorry-how-to-apologize-why-it-matters/ Show More More like this Unlocking Us Podcast Vice President Kamala Harris on Courageous Leadership and Winning in 2024 Unlocking Us Podcast Grief...
In addition to glancing at these faces, be sure to sweep your eyes out into the larger audience periodically. When Dr. Brene Brown gave her TED Talk, she used a connection to help calm her nerves and relate to the audience. She said, “When I finally walked onto the stage, the first...
“You either walk inside your story and own it or you stand outside and hustle for your worthiness.” Brene Brown I was shaking and sweating withfearas I stood in front of my graduate professor for the final test of the semester. I was twenty-two years old at the time and felt like...