Brené Brown:Hi, everyone. I’m Brené Brown, and this is Unlocking Us. It’s just me today. I thought I would just talk to you about some of the thinking I’ve been doing, some of the observations I’ve had over the last few weeks, what’s really on my mind. And I want to...
Brene Brown告诉我,她也是这样的人。我们的潜意识里或者是从小到大受到的影响,认为请假是偷懒的表现,这种很难break free的心理枷锁就是shame. BB在这本书里讲到了她遭遇过一次脑震荡的经历让她自己完全无法正常生活,但是最初的她坚信自己可以handle一切,直到后来才慢慢接受自己无法短期内痊愈,允许自己有足够的时间让...
Shame is the felt sense of being defective and inadequate.Brene Browndefines it as an “intensely painful feeling or experience of believing that we are flawed and therefore unworthy of love and belonging.” Shame has also been defined byGerhsen Kaufmanas a breaking of the interpers...
Brene Brown is now a popular author in this field, largely because of her intro with the Ted Talks. I could be wrong, probably am in fact, but John Bradshaw was one of the first to communicate shames toxic effects to lay people. So what you say in your blog, Laura is so little und...
More similar work and great resources for inspiration, can be found on TedX -Treating Perfectionism, Brene Brown, Roz Shafran, Christine Padesky, Donald Meichenbaum’s notes on resilience, and others. This particular article follows anonymised cases who received NeuroAffective-CBT for R-OCD… this...