no social intercourse even to waste one’s time, and on the other hand it would minister greatly to the self-esteem of a conspicuously industrious student. One was marked as “clever,” one played up to the part, and one’s little accomplishment stood out finely in one’s private reckonin...
47 SARS-CoV-2 might also cause dysregulation of the stress system, which could contribute to the development or exacerbation of psychiatric disorders.48 Elderly people are at especially high risk of severe COVID-19 illness and mental-health-related consequences because they might already have some ...
Elderly Suicide Rates According to the American Association of Suicidology, suicide among elderly people is very high with white males over 85 being the highest risk among any other group. The elderly are 13% of the population; yet account for 15.6% of all suicides. The rate of suicide for ...
I’m hoping this will serve as a wake-up call, and I hate to call it a good event because it is killing some people, especially the elderly. But COVID-19 could end up being a positive force if it wakes people up to the fact that we now live in an age of pandemics. It’s ...
Case in point: My elderly neighbor, the WWII “veteran”. Any way, the dude that lives across the street is in his early eighties. After attending public (socialist) schools through the 12 grade, he joined the Army Air Corp in summer of 1945. While in training, Curtis “Bomb Them...
while businesses believed to be unsupportive of the protests have been vandalized. In some instances, ugly scenes have turned life-threatening; a man who argued with protesters wasdoused in flammable liquid and set alight, while an elderly man clearing barricades wasstruck in the head by a brick...
Practical tips to help you move anywhere in the world for cheapMoving to a new area can be super exciting, but it can also be a little scary, especially if you're on a tight budget. However, by planning ahead and figuring out your housing...
” she says. “The threshold is physical, when you can’t move around the home comfortably and safely; when you can’t use the rooms for their intended purpose and you’re missing work, or other people in the home like children or elderly parents can’t do what they need to do in ...
I’m hoping this will serve as a wake-up call, and I hate to call it a good event because it is killing some people, especially the elderly. But COVID-19 could end up being a positive force if it wakes people up to the fact that we now live in an age of pandemics. It’s not...