I have alreadylearned some helpful hints. I am such a messy housekeeper, always procrastinating because it seems so overwhelming. I tell myself, “Oh, it’s too much to start today. I’ll do it when I have more time.” My parents are big hoarders who never part with anything so I n...
That’s when I created Blog Growth Engine, an online course and community dedicated to helping people achieve the same dream I did: To get out of the rat race, quit their jobs, and work on projects they really care about – and working wherever they wanted to whenever they wanted to. F...
It put me in a lot of conflict with my parents, teachers, and all authority whilst growing up. Eventually my parents came to respect and appreciate my independence of thought. In just one area of life, it later meant I was able to help my parents in their old age to battle against ...
If this is happening to you, you are not alone. Most of us are getting distracted. It has nothing to do with you as a person, it has even less to do with your character, and it has more to do with how well do you succeed to adapt to the modern world. The good news isthat yo...
4. 2014 was the year I learned to let go of things I was no longer honestly using by either giving them away or throwing them away. This isn't to say I was a hoarder but based on older relatives I know I have the trait.
My parents educated me competently in the basics of money, from how a mortgage worked to the rule of 72 – they warned me off endowments – and I have some recollection of my mother educating me as to the difference between NAV and the share price of an investment trust, a couple of ...
had an even tinier room in the front next to the hall stairs. My parents and I lived on the first floor. I had the room directly below my Aunt Mary. At the time, I had never slept by myself. My Mother always had to lay down with me until I was fast asleep. And if I woke ...
You want to be close and intimate. To maintain a positive connection, you give up your needs to please and accommodate your partner. But because you don’t get your needs met, you become unhappy. You’re preoccupied with the relationship and highly attuned to your partner, worrying that he...
It may mean you now allowing yourself to have ‘treats’ and rewards that you would never have allowed yourself, or have been allowed by your parents, in the past. The sensible competent Adult part of you should be able to set fair and sensible boundaries around this, so that you do not...
, and checklists as a bonus to your main video course program. Either way, your text materials should be straightforward, engaging, and well-structured. You can get creative with fonts, page setup, lists, and more to ensure that it does not look like the work of an information hoarder....