每日英语:《How to ward off evil spirits?》 我说:僵尸先生,你知道广东电台的风水怎么样? I said:Mr. Zombie, do you know how Feng Shui works on Guangdong Radio? 他说:CCTV的风水怎么样,广东电台的...
4. If your spouse is carrying this kind of evil spirit on them, again, you will need to go direct to God the Father and get His specific instructions on how to deal with this if your spouse is not open to admitting they have this kind of evil spirit on them. God hates divorce, bu...
If you’re a fan of bargain hunting in thrift shops then you already know that demonic spirits can inhabit that pennies-on-the-dollar pair ofLuckybrand jeans or even that adorable sweater.Televangelist Pat Robertson recently even advised a caller to The 700 Club on how to deal with ...
to cause us to despair of God's mercy, and to drag us to hell. So, we need to follow in Jesus' holy example and face the evil spirits head on, with courage. We must do battle and fight the good fight. We cannot run away,
How to protect yourself from evil spiritsMISBAHUDDIN MIRZA
However hard you may try you cannot avoid unpleasant situations. Life does not always happen according to your expectations. When bad situations arise, be it at home, at workplace, in relationships, or elsewhere, you must keep your spirits up and learn to deal with them. In this regard the...
Your body releases adrenaline and other hormones that provide extra energy to deal with the situation. When you're actually in danger, of course, you don't enjoy the feeling of these hormones, you simply use them to fight, escape or take some other action. When the danger is simulated, ...
If you meet different kinds of people, how can you deal with them, so that you can grasp the heat and establish a social circle that is conducive to your business? One should be polite and courteous to those who are out of the circle, and when they go straight to harm others' self-...
It is necessary to be courteous to associate with such figures. Although the inner circle of a person is easy-going, his heart is disgusted with rudeness, hatred of evil, rude and unreasonable people can not be intimate with such people. If you want to shorten the psychological distance with...
Traditionally, Catholic exorcists undergo very little specific training to aid them in their job. While they learn a great deal about the devil and the risks and manifestations of evil, exorcism itself is not a specialized area of study in seminary school. What they know, they know from their...