In some accounts, the evil spirits would suck their victims' blood directly from the heart. Initially, a strigo needed to return to the grave regularly, just like an upir. If townspeople suspected someone had become a strigo, they would exhume the body and burn it, or run spikes through ...
The custom was practiced among ancient Chinese tocommemorate Shen Nong, second of the mythical emperors in Chinese mythology who taught people how to do farm work. Also, influenced byBuddhism, people thought that willow could repel ghosts. 清明插柳习俗,一说是为了纪念“教民稼穑”的农事祖师神农氏,...
Iron is also thought to repel demons, in fact iron chains are said to be the only type of restraint that works on a demonic entity. Salt is also a frequently used protective item which is believed to repel demons, as well as other negative spirits. It is sometimes warn in the form of...
where his blood spilled it is said that St John’s Wort grew from the blood. European peasants burnt the plant on June 24, which is John the Baptist birthday, to dispel evil spirits. Because the plant “bleeds red” it was used for wounds during the ...
Selectively sampling from several versions of the vampire myth and adding some details of his own, Stoker formed the standard for the modern vampire. Unlike the vampires in the eastern European tradition, Stoker's monster loses power in thesunlight, is repelled by crucifixes and has acute intell...
In some accounts, the evil spirits would suck their victims' blood directly from the heart. Initially, a strigo needed to return to the grave regularly, just like an upir. If townspeople suspected someone had become a strigo, they would exhume the body and burn it, or run spikes through...
As a kid growing up in the 70s and 80s, I was fascinated and repelled by his pain. I was nursing my own absent-father wound. I’d think: why hasn’t this old man gotten over this? DM: It takes a big cognitive shift to get past our experience and understand someone else’s. ...
ancient people to spend the Qingming Festival. As the fifth solar term of the year, the Qingming Festival usually sees the most tender and amiable days of the spring. With gentle breeze and flowers in full bloom, it is the best time to go out and to appreciate the beautiful views of ...
Most finishes, stains, or lacquers are oil-based or wax-based (or some other kind of petroleum distillate), which would inherently repel water once it's soaked into the wood grain at the cellular level. The only way to get around that would be to sand it down and go from there (but...
“All things which are similar and therefore connected, are drawn to each other’s power,” according to the medieval magus Heinrich Cornelius Agrippa von Nettesheim. It is a rule of reality and synchronicity that we attract or repel different things according to the emotions, the attitudes, ...