Provide comfort:The first thing to do in a traumatic event is to reassure and comfort the child. Reinforce your child's sense of security by following a normal schedule and maintaining regular eating and sleeping habits. Encourage your child to talk and ask questions and discuss the situa...
Since the traumatic event is painful and overwhelming, the human mind tries to avoid pain so it avoids processing or making sense of the trauma. Anything that remains unprocessed in our psyche, however, gets a chance to get processedagain and againbecause the mind seeks to resolve things and ...
Experiencing a traumatic life event can have lasting consequences. Not addressing them with timely therapy can cause these effects to be much more severe than they need to be. While effective therapy won't make your problems go away overnight, consulting a counselor can be the first step ...
Being There: How to Respond When Someone You Know Experiences a Traumatic EventHow best can we meet the challenge of being helpful and supportive to friends, coworkers, and...Crocker, Ruth
He is in good company. An extensive body of research shows benefits to writing about a traumatic experience or difficult situation in a manner that psychologists refer to as “expressive writing.” People who do this, ...
Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD): this is a serious condition that commonly occurs when you've witnessed or experienced a disaster or traumatic event, or you've been in a situation where your life or health was threatened. People with PTSD often experience flashbacks and can also have tro...
There are different types of anxiety that people deal with. For example, there is social anxiety and also generalized anxiety disorder. There is also post-traumatic stress disorder or PTSD, which is triggered bywitnessing or experiencing a traumatic event. ...
During a stampede, people may die not only because of traumatic trampling injuries but also suffocation brought by pushing crowd pressure. Here are a few tips to increase the chances of survival in an incident.在踩踏事件中,除了踩踏造...
Prolonged exposure to traumatic events can lead to chronic trauma, which happens when there are either multiple traumatic short events, or a long traumatic event without time to process what is happening in a stable place, such as with a licensed psychologist. The effects of chronic trauma can ...
Shock and disbelief– Immediately after a loss or traumatic event, many people report feeling numb, have trouble believing what happened, or even deny that the event happened at all. Many say they keep expecting the person they lost to show up or even think they see them. These feelings are...