Periodontal disease, often known as gum disease, is a widespread oral health problem affecting millions worldwide. It can take various forms, from minor gum inflammation (gingivitis) to more serious types, resulting in tooth loss and other health issues. You may use many natural remedies for you...
Cardiovascular disease And pregnancy complications can all contribute to periodontal disease. Other illnesses are being evaluated for possible connections to gum disease, including pancreatic cancer, pulmonary disease and rheumatoid arthritis. How to Cure Gingivitis ...
This information includes evaluating the inflammatory burden that is causing periodontal disease, as well as looking at the patient’s unique genetic susceptibility to periodontal disease,” says Treatment for GingivitisYou can treat gingivitis at home, if you catch it early enough...
Learn & practice these simple home remedies at home & you can cure gingivitis & prevent other gum diseases forever. But, first, let’s understand the nature of this periodontal disease. How to Get Rid of Gingivitis: Causes & Symptoms Photo: Pexels The cause of this gum disease is plaque...
[91]. Timely dental care screenings facilitate the removal of non-restorable teeth or those with periapical infection, address periodontal disease, commencement of a stringent hygiene protocol to maintain a high standard of oral health, occlusal adjustment, parafunctional protection, atraumatic-fitting ...
Bleeding gums and periodontal disease Lowered immunity and increased infections Iron-deficiency anemia Fatigue Low mood Unexplained weight gain Inflammation Side Effects of Too Much Vitamin C While too little vitamin C can cause problems, there are also issues associated with consuming or taking too muc...
Medications.There’s no magic pill or cream that can cure gum disease, Sahl says. Still, your dentist may prescribe medication as part of your treatment. Some options include: Antiseptic chip or antibiotic microspheres:You insert these tiny gels or particles into pockets in your gum, and they...
When Listerine was used for oral surgery such as tooth extraction and periodontal surgery, the agent was effective in relieving toothache. This was probably due to a decrease in oral bacteria by the antimicrobial action of Listerine, leading to lowering the inflammatory response of the host. The ...
about its safety and efficacy. Honokiol avoids immediate break-down by the liver - and crosses blood barriers that often exclude other compounds. Recent studies have found validation for honokiol as a treatment option for anxiety, cancer, periodontal disease, stroke, inflammation, and even weight ...
With less than a week of inattention, that plaque calcifies into hard tartar, which won't come off without a dentist's scraping tool, and begins to lodge in the supporting gum structure. The gums become inflamed — that's gingivitis, the first stage of periodontal disease, or PD — and...