If you do need your amalgam fillings removed, it’s critical that you have them removed safely. When done improperly, the process can cause you to breathe in additional, possibly large doses of mercury vapor — a big problem if you have theMTHFR gene mutationand intestinal permeability (an ...
In ancient times, the algae was not only edible but was also used as a medicine to cure chronic constipation and bone fractures (Pereira, 2018a). C. ocellatus is an important economic original alga that can produce carrageenan. Antitumor, antiviral, anticoagulant, and immunomodulatory activities ...
Rather, it’s the old wives’ tale of them being the perfect cure for urinary tract infections (UTIs) in women. Yet, a new study has suggested that it’s anything but a fallacy. The new findings propose that cranberry juice can in fact protect against UTIs. The relationship between UTIs...
then 10,000 IU a day of D3 daily for 90 days. Then repeating this regime as much as is needed - in order to cure autoimmune diseases. Other doctors suggest similar type dosing. So high dose vitamin D has been used extensively. It is safe as long as you also take vitamin K2. ...
Reducing Eating Disorder Development: Warning Signs & Prevention from Chapter 14 / Lesson 6 20K Eating disorders are easier to prevent than to cure. Learn about the development of eating disorders, the warning signs, and ways to prevent them from happening....
Cutting Cancer Risk the Easy Way Reducing the risk of cancer doesn’t need to mean living an overly sheltered lifestyle. Making simple changes can reduce your cancer risk and leave you looking and feeling great, too!
Whether you have periodontal disease, injury, or any other issue, you might benefit from having a dental implant. For instance, if an infection subjects you to unbearable pain, an implant might relieve the pain and lessen infection risk to other teeth. If you are not so sure of the threat...
it totally relies on the cause. There is a minimal chance of loss of appetite leading to a dangerous disease but it should never be ignored. Sometimes dehydration, which can occur due to poor appetite, if ignored can result in electrolyte imbalance, coma orshock. If you get indications of ...
Do you have recommendations for periodontal issues before I go down this road? Any resources, recommendations you can provide would be appreciated. I have been on the Dr. Ellie’s Oral Healthcare protocol for a little over a year now. http://www.drellie.com/pdfs/The-Kissing-System/Single...