Fortunately, treatment for yeast infection in dogs can be done at home. You can manage most types of yeast problems … like yeast infection in dog paws or a dog skin yeast infection … as the underlying cause is the same. Managing a dog yeast infection effectively just requires tweaking the...
How often you shampoo your dog will depend on the skin condition; every 2 weeks is adequate if your dog doesn’t have a skin condition, please speak to your vet if you think your dog has a skin problem. Dry your dog with a towel, not a hairdryer and given them a comb or a brush...
While a person lives years until he/she gets acne, pups only live for about half a year until they must face this uncomfortable skin condition. However, just like helping a kid, a dog’s owner can help his/her best canine friend in ways that are accessible and easy to apply. The trea...
Give the dog a lukewarm to cool (not hot or cold) bath, using a moisturizing dog shampoo in the water. A dog shampoo is required due to a dog's pH being different than a human's. Massage the shampoo into the dog's fur and skin while bathing the dog. Rinse and dry the dog after...
How do you score on allergic skin conditions of the dog?doi:10.1136/inpract.5.2.51BMJ Publishing Group LimitedPractice
Your dog is dehydrated in addition to having diarrhea. Signs of dehydration include dry mucous membranes (gums and inner cheeks), sunken eyes, elevated heart rate, or a ‘skin tent’ is present. How to check for a "skin tent”: Simply lift the skin and fur at the nape of your dog’...
It can cause itching, sores, red skin, and hair loss, while demodectic mange causes sores, bald spots, and scabbing. Prevention Preventing mange is only possible by keeping your dog away from already infected dogs. Treatment Treatment of mange in dogs will depend on the type of dog that you...
including weight loss, vomiting, abdominal pain, and a poor coat. Fortunately, most worms are easily treated with deworming, which is a routine part of most puppy wellness exams. Work with your veterinarian to determine what type of worm your puppy is infected with so they can prescribe the...
If you're new here, you may want to subscribe to myRSS feed. Thanks for visiting! Is your dog itching, scratching possibly with red-hot looking skin? There is a way to stop the problem without drugs and without changing what you’re feeding now, but first it’s important to know what...
Normal shedding of the hair inside the creases, as well as an accumulation of dead skin cells, can collect between the folds. Skin folds tend to be warm and moist, too. Add to this any dirt your dog picks up from playing outside, and even bits of food that may get trapped, and you...