What works for one dog may not help another: for some, just a simple home remedy for itchy skin or switching to amedicated dog shampoomay suffice, while other cases may require stronger treatments. Having a few tricks up your sleeve means you can soothe youritchy dogand help him feel comf...
It is formulated to treat skin diseases in dogs caused by bacteria, fungi, and allergies. We've found that many veterinarians recommend this formula for immediate relief from ringworm, pyoderma, yeast infection, dermatitis, blisters, scabies, hotspots, rashes, and other skin irritations. We also...
Environmental factors, such as flea bites and exposure to allergens, can contribute to excessive itching. Regular grooming, including flea prevention measures, can help reduce the risk of skin irritation. Tea bags can relieve raw skin and further reduce inflammation when used as a compress. ...
Head shaking or scratching can be signs of a dog ear yeast infection. Let's look at the causes of yeast infections in dogs and what you can do to help ...
Your dog’s ear infection can have a few causes, and determining the cause is essential in choosing the proper treatment or natural remedy. Ear infections can be caused by:–Bacteria –Hormone changes or imbalances –Yeast –Allergies –Ear mites –Dietary changes or intolerances –Immune system...
If your dog has tapeworms, the worm segments can cause itching and irritation as they exit the anus and collect on the skin and surrounding hair. If your dog scoots every so often, be sure to check your dog's stools and his anal area for signs of worms. Ringworm and Yeast Infection ...
If your dog is scratching and his feet and ears smell like corn chips, he should be helped as soon as possible. Here's how to treat a yeast infection at home, naturally.
Silica is a remedy that helps the body expel foreign objects … and fluids like pus and excretions (you can also use it for things like splinters and fox tails in the skin). You can buy Silica 6C at most health stores or on Amazon....
Excessive licking, chewing, or scratching may also indicate a presence of an underlying medical issue such as external parasites like fleas, allergic skin disease, skin infection, painful joints, and others. Speak to your vet if your dog is grooming themselves excessively. Your dog may also need...
Although bacterial infections are relatively common in dogs, most dog owners don’t know basic home remedies for dog staph infection: the most common bacterial infection of them all. Not only is staph infection the most prevalent bacterial skin infection in dogs, but it is also a zoonotic risk...