There are a few ways to quickly remove gas from your stomach, such as over-the-counter medications like simethicone, activated charcoal, and herbal remedies made from ginger or anise. This article discusses the effectiveness of some of the remedies people turn to to instantly remove gas. It ...
This is one of the most important ways on how to keep kidneys healthy, functional and stone-free that you should know. One of the main jobs of kidney is to filter your body’s blood. When it is done filtering, additional water and waste products are stored in the bladder. They are wa...
“According to a 2015 survey conducted by the CDC, about 70 percent of current adult smokers in the United States wanted to quit, and although about 55 percent had attempted to do so in the past year, only. I live in Oklahoma, where more people dip here per capita than the national av...
As the alcohol in the alveolar air is exhaled, it can be detected by the breath alcohol testing device. Instead of having to draw a driver's blood to test his alcohol level, an officer can test the driver's breath on the spot and instantly know if there is a reason to arrest the dr...
Cellulite is the appearance of lumpy or dimpled “cottage cheese skin,” which predominantly develops on the legs (especially the thighs), butt, stomach and the back of the arms. Some also refer to it as “orange peel skin” because it looks like the tiny bumps that form on the outside...
“In certain cases, you may benefit from an additional pillow, such as one between your knees if you’re a side sleeper or under your pelvis if you’re a stomach sleeper.” Also, if you or a partner snores, check out our article looking at whether anti-snore pillows work and if ...
Especially when you drink more than 2 cups of coffee a day as the body won’t allow the mind to sit still for 2 seconds. Instead, you can opt for other healthy drink to stay concentrated such as fresh water or green tea. Moreover, a high dose of coffee may cause your stomach upset...
I’m inundated with the reminder she is leaving throughout the day, and it instantly causes my stomach to drop as if I’d swallowed a bowling ball. Which, soon after, has me shaking and the dreaded (inevitable) tears always follow. I have always been close to my kids, like the ...
Prescription binders may help to assist detoxification, but they may lead to a number of issues as well. Side effects and health issues associated with prescription binders may include(4,7,8): Bloating, indigestion, upset stomach, heartburn. ...
In particular, you should drink a glass of water every morning as you wake up. Do not try to drink plenty of water at the same time, take small sips. Wait for a moment to let water go down the stomach, then, get out of bed. Although pregnancy makes you feel very tired, try to ...