Create the back-end application Bootstrap the Laravel application The first thing we need to do is to bootstrap a new Laravel application. To do that, run the command below. Feel free to use any ofthe other methods of bootstrapping Laravel applicationsif you prefer them. ...
Part 2. Cloning repository to the server. We need to SSH into our server, navigate to the folder prepared for the project, and launch git clone command: git clone . Keep in mind that your server should have access to the repository, if it...
Type the below command to open Tinker, which will interact with our laravel application. php artisan tinker Now, we will generate 100 fake users using this command: \App\Models\User::factory()->count(100)->create(); If you execute the above command, you will see like this: ...
Eloquent, an Object Relational Mapper (ORM), and built-in techniques for constructing database migrations and seeders are just a few of the sophisticated database capabilities that are available in Laravel. Artisan is a command-line tool that helps developers rapidly create new application components...
Introduction Laravel provides a wrapper for the Guzzle HTTP client. It allows you to quickly make HTTP requests to communicate with external APIs. In this tutorial, you will learn how to use the Larav...
After creating the model file and declaring the$fillablearray, you must create the migration file using the command below: php artisan make:migration create_comments_table Note:The naming convention for creating migrations in Laravel is usuallysnake_case, also known asunderscore_case. The first word...
$ laravel new sampleLaravelApp This will create a Laravel application namedsampleLaravelApp. Next, we will install a Composer package calledlaravel-packager. We need this to build our Laravel package. In the root directory of the Laravel project run this command: ...
Seeding is a tool provided byLaravelfor developers to facilitate testing different data types, fix bugs, and tune performance. You can add multiple rows of dummy data automatically to your database table via the database seeder in a single command. ...
Step 1: Create a Sample Module Step 2: Create a Class to Run a Cron Job Step 3: Create crontab.xml File Step 4: Compile the Code and Clean the Cache Step 5: Verify the Cron Job Step 6: Set up Magento 2 Cron Group (Optional) Run Cron Jobs on the Command Line Run Cron In The...
1 Laravel: error doing migration 0 Laravel - unable to migrate DB 2 Illuminate\Database\QueryException SQLSTATE[42P01]: Undefined table: 7 ERROR: during migration 11 how to fix "Method Illuminate\Database\Schema\Blueprint::class does not exist." 1 Error foreign key whe...