If you go to the mysql database (phpmyadmin), investigate the users table, and you will see something like this: Step 6: Creating a controller and route Let’s create aDisplayDataController.phpusing the below command: php artisan make:controllerDisplayDataController ...
In this guide, you’ll create a database migration to set up the table where you’ll save the application links. In order to do that, you’ll use theArtisancommand-line tool that comes with Laravel by default. At the end, you will be able to destroy and recreate your databas...
The laravel database query is also used to insert the laravel query in MySQL. The PHP framework works effectively to insert the data into the database. First, the user must create a database table to insert data. Then he should use Insert Into statement to add the raw data to the Mysql...
Say you’rediscussing ideas with a teamand need to make adjustments to the table. The SQL file must be shared and imported by someone on the team. It’s possible that they forget to import the SQL file, causing problems in the application’s operation. This is where Laravel migration com...
Here is what we're doing in the above code: Ensure MetaMask is present in the current browser by checking thewindow.ethereumproperty is present. Otherwise alert the user. (lines 3-5) Prepare the message we want the user to sign. We might as well make this a bit ...
The other database connection details remain the same as in the.envfile. If you change any connection value, such as changingDB_PORTfrom 3306 to 3307 during configuration, ensure to update it in the.envfile. Make the Posts Table Next, create a database model and migrate the changes. ...
return $this->belongsTo("App\Role"); } } Step 5:In the next step, we need to create seeders for each of the models (User, Role). To create the UsersTableseeder and RolesTableSeederphp artisan make:seed UsersTableSeeder php artisan make:seed RolesTableSeederAfter...
I will give you very simple example of how to create table with foreign key constraint using laravel migration. you can easily use this example with laravel 6, laravel 7, laravel 8, laravel 9, laravel 10 and laravel 11 version. in this example, we will create "posts" and "comments" tab...
Packages are a great way to make a bunch of code reusable and easily shareable. You may have already come across many Laravel packages, both official and community-maintained—some of them simple and some very complex. But have you ever wondered how you can put “your” code into a package...
The .htaccess file, typically used in Apache servers, can be configured to enable PHP error logging for specific directories. Navigate to Your Laravel Project’s Root Directory, In your project folder, find the public directory my-laravel-app/public/. The .htaccess file should be located directl...