Notion is prominent among the mostpowerful productivity tools. You can create knowledge bases, take notes, and even make landing sites for your business or product using various Notion templates. Despite this, there arealternatives to Notionthat do a few things better which may be of importance t...
Sönke Ahrens在这本书里说Luhmann,在30年里,出版了58本书,几百篇论文,其中不包括他的翻译作品。©How to Take Smart Notes但是在其他资料上显示,Luhmann一共出版了70多本书,将近400篇论文。不管哪个是准确数据,Luhmann的产量无疑是惊人的。 在他去世后,他的Zettelkasten 【德语:Zettelkasten,英语:Slip-box,中...
» Back to Top Want to create tasks and to-do’s directly in Notion using your voice? In this guide, I’ll teach you exactly how to do that.The workflow we’ll build today will let you quickly tap a shortcut on your phone, brain-dump a bunch of tasks, and instantly send them ...
How to export notes from OneNote using Obsidian To get started, download Obsidian, if you haven't already, and create a new vault. The import tool isn't included, but it's easy to install. Open the Settings by clicking the gear in the bottom-right corner, then click Community plugins...
There are 2 simple methods to seamlessly link to another note in Apple Notes on your iPhone. Learn more about them below. Method 1: Add links to recent notes Open theNotesapp → Go to anexisting noteor create anew note. Entertwo greater than sign(>>)at the exact place where you want...
As I havewritten about before,Notion is an amazing toolthat is alsoentirely customizable. I’ve been able to create an amazing writing database, but it did take some time and a lot of messing around. In Notion, I have one central place where I can see all of my writing prompts and ...
Do you know how does Notion recover deleted pages? Don’t worry. This article gathers 3 methods to help you recover Notion accidentally deleted pages. Table of Contents Can you recover deleted Notion pages? Notion is a useful app for taking notes and managing tasks. It lets you create to-...
Notion makes it easy to import Markdown files, meaning you can easily import the files you just exported. In Finder, create a ZIP file of your exported Apple Notes by right-clicking the folder and selecting Compress. In Notion, click the Import option in the left-hand sidebar. Click Univ...
Using your favorite app from a mobile device is convenient and simple, but creative fans of Notion are out of luck in this case — it’s impossible to create your own templates from gadgets (phone, tablet). However, there are many high-quality templates that can be used for free!
How to build a remote team How to contribute to GitLab's all-remote guides How to create the perfect home office setup for remote working How to embrace asynchronous communication for remote work How to evaluate a remote job How to repurpose office space in a remote world How to ...