Sönke Ahrens在这本书里说Luhmann,在30年里,出版了58本书,几百篇论文,其中不包括他的翻译作品。©How to Take Smart Notes但是在其他资料上显示,Luhmann一共出版了70多本书,将近400篇论文。不管哪个是准确数据,Luhmann的产量无疑是惊人的。 在他去世后,他的Zettelkasten 【德语:Zettelkasten,英语:Slip-box,中...
take notes, and even make landing sites for your business or product using various Notion templates. Despite this, there arealternatives to Notionthat do a few things better which may be of importance to you.
You now have an archive of your Apple Notes that's easy to open on any computer. You can also take these notes with you to another note-taking app. How to import Apple Notes to Notion Notion makes it easy to import Markdown files, meaning you can easily import the files you just exp...
How to Try Butt Play With Just Your Fingers 25 Anal Foreplay Tips for Beginners Advertisement - Continue Reading Below Anal Sex A Beginner’s Guide to Bottoming Behind the Scenes of an L.A. Porn Shoot What to Know About Anal Fisting Before You Try It ...
《How to take smart notes》这本书主要写给有学术写作需求的人看,但是其方法论是通用的——Zettelkasten,有一群爱好者推广此方法很久了,我也关注了一年多。所以看他引入部分我就觉得熟悉。名字的拆解很直观,Zettel: Note, 笔记。Kasten: Box,就是笔记盒子的直译。
How to Use iPads to Take Notes If you are wondering how to take notes on an iPad, you are in the right place. Believe it or not, your iPad is equipped with everything you need to create stunning notes and take your revision game to the next level. Digital stickers, notebooks, fonts...
I used to be a prolific note-taker. I would carry a notebook with me everywhere, and record anything I thought was interesting or important. In the last couple of years I've stopped doing this, and I forget things all the time; it seems like those events
I didn't realize how heavy that shopping was going to be... 我没想到买的东西会有多沉。 柯林斯高阶英语词典 It's your life, so live it how you want! 这是你的生活,你想怎样过就怎样过! 柯林斯高阶英语词典 Two historical questions — you can answer them how you like... 两个历史问题—...
Select thenoteyou wish to insert or link. You can see thenote title in yellowwith an underline and notes icon at the front. Please note that while using this method, Apple Notes won’t let you change the text over the hyperlink. It will, by default, take the title of the linked note...
Notion is a powerful tool for personal productivity, team collaboration, and indexing information. Whether you’re trying to organize class notes, keep track of personal goals, brainstorm a project with a team, or share information on the web, Notion can be customized to your needs. Like any ...