In the HTML, add a button to start the merging, a container for the HTML5 page and an anchor to store the PDF dataURL. <template><lightning-cardtitle="Dynamsoft Document Viewer"icon-name="custom:custom14"><divclass="slds-m-around_medium"><lightning-buttonlabel="Merge into PDF"onclick=...
Generating public/private ed25519 key pair. Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/username/.ssh/id_ed25519): Important If you’ve already created a key pair using the default name (or a custom one that you’ve entered),the file will be overwritten and you may be locked out of...
In Salesforce, add a custom URL-typed field ID Card to Lead. Open settings. Add a URL custom field. In the component, display the document image if the ID Card URL is set. The URL field is retrieved through the getRecord method. HTML: <div lwc:if={IDCardURL}><div>ID Card:</...
By sending custom events from LWC to the wrapper Lightning Component you can use Workspace API indirectly. This approach could be useful in case your LWC is invoked by Action Button for example. As you already know, the action button could not execute LWC directly, but can execute Lightning...
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/username/.ssh/id_ed25519): Important If you’ve already created a key pair using the default name (or a custom one that you’ve entered), the file will be overwritten and you may be locked out of your remote systems. For this reason, ...
On the left side of the screen, I could see mycalorieCounterLWC under the Custom section. All I had to do was drag that component over and drop it into the single region for the Lightning-based page. After saving the component, I used the activation process to expose the Lightning page...
Enter file in which to save the key (/Users/username/.ssh/id_ed25519): Important If you’ve already created a key pair using the default name (or a custom one that you’ve entered), the file will be overwritten and you may be locked out of your remote systems. For this reason, ...